I see, thank you...I never paid attention to maggies before, except Tympani...lol...The baby mag I got was supposed to be my retirement speakers from Hi Fi...lol...
What else ah? I always like 1D (1980) was also my top choice other than Quad...Was either Quad or Tympani, but HDQ got me sold. I mention so many times about tympani here...lol...Tympani rules, I don't really care for other maggies.....even the 350lb 20.7 lol....but damn 6 screens. Hard to make them sound good. Some might be able to live without a sub. Writing an article on Tympani Vs this baby mag, two different story, totally different feelings. That one of the most important speaker in the history? I didn't even know lol....but it is hella good.
I wanted the Sound Lab to be my retirement speakers, but not available locally and more expensive if I find them lol...and not gonna drive hundreds of miles to pick them up either..lol..
I also like Dahlquist DQ-10 had it for a couple of years...and very cheap..haha
I usually say Tympani lol...not 1D or even made by Mag...hehe, but essentially all tympanis are good. 1D was born in 1980....I bought quads in 81, remember? Tympani was my second choice..but Quad has higher potential and cheaper lol...
DQ 10 looks like Quad, lol....but not electrostatic speakers lol...but very open sounding piece of art. I personally rank it very high because it only cost $795 USD back then...
I checked after you mention important speakers of history..hehe..DQ 10 ranks 6th, and Tympani ranks 7.......your Puppy ranks 4...My ESL ranks #1
AR3a ranks 2nd, sound wise it arn't no second..lol.. but it was so cheap that got hi fi sound to home...good judgement call. They even rank the crappy Advent because they like to stacked them lol...