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[喇叭] 轉載: 如耳機般的細節發掘力 - Magneplanar 1.7

發表於 2013-10-30 06:10:13 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
我說我話: 相信舊一輩師兄中,大多數也認識也認同Magneplanar MG3.6個種音色美麗絕倫,像真質感,規模龐大,卻沒有一點壓迫感的低頻。平面鋁帶高音亦重現出非常多的細節,就是個種鉅細靡遺、給你無遠弗屆既感覺,卻沒有一些巨型Woofer帶來壓迫感。又睇睇台灣佬怎評這個空氣感老大哥Magnepan旗下既小弟。認識1.7的你,可有多大樂趣的回響,如獲賜寶貴思憶,一律50/50以表謝意




不過多數音響迷對平面振膜喇叭非常陌生,一方面因為目前市場上的品牌種類太少,能見度低,音響迷少有機會接觸;另一方面是平面振膜喇叭真的不太好擺,家裡空間要是不夠大就容易顯得侷促。但若是因為缺乏瞭解而與美妙的聆聽體驗失之交臂,那就真的是太可惜了。這次走訪鈦孚音響聆聽平面振膜喇叭的先驅Magnepan,與Magneplanar 1.7相處一下午,美好的聆聽感受讓我終於能夠體會,暱稱為「Maggie」的美國Magnepan愛好者為何如此癡迷了。


MG 1.7的高度是165公分,寬45公分,但厚度只有5公分,體積不小,旁邊的阿拉貝斯克都顯得秀氣,不過MG 1.7的重量並不重,很容易搬動。




MG 1.7的防塵網並不能取下,才能避免直接觸及脆弱的平面振膜。



從背後看MG 1.7,其實和正面差不多,這種平面喇叭本來就是雙面都可以發聲。下方則是分音線路,MG 1.7是三音路分音。

接著來看Magneplanar 1.7(以下稱為MG 1.7)。MG 1.7發表於2010年CES展,是極受好評的MG 1.6的後繼產品。當時MG 1.6已經賣了12年,做為一個曾被TAS雜誌深度肯定的產品的後繼者,Magnepan使用了一種全新技術,來賦予MG 1.7新的高度,那就是Quasi-Ribbon準鋁帶振膜。

據Magnepan表示,準鋁帶振膜可是他們41年歷史以來的突破性應用。過去Magnepan都是在中頻與低頻部分使用所謂的磁力平面振膜(Planar-Magnetic Drivers),高頻則使用鋁帶振膜,所以你會發現Magnepan喇叭靠內側的部分是一細長條,細長的部分便是鋁帶。


MG 1.7上頭還有保險絲,應該是為了避免擴大機輸出過大而燒壞振膜,這樣用家又多了保險絲可玩。

MG 1.7則全部使用準鋁帶振膜,然後細分成三音路,頻率響應可達到40Hz至24kHz。準鋁帶振膜與鋁帶振膜的差異在於,準鋁帶是將鋁箔貼附在一層薄膜(Mylar Diaphram)上,優點是高頻寬、低失真,並能承受更大功率。不過,準鋁帶振膜的開發,並非為了取代Magnepan原有的磁力平面振膜與純鋁帶振膜,因為Magnepan絕不外流的鋁帶高音技術,仍有其無可取代的優勢,在高階產品上仍然運用純鋁帶高音。


MG 1.7很寬是沒錯,但厚度只有5公分,也蠻好擺放的。

MG 1.7在外型上也做了一些突破,它跳脫了Magnepan的傳統木框,而改用鋁合金外框,增添了現代感,也更能符合目前多數家庭的裝潢風格。

試聽工作在鈦孚的聆聽室進行,搭配的訊源是Ayre DX-5播放機與Devialet帝瓦雷D-Premier擴大機。以MG 1.7的規格來看,效率86dB,阻抗4Ω,似乎不是好對付的喇叭,不過D-Premier的200瓦輸出功率(最高可調整至240瓦)推起來聽輕鬆的,在諾大的鈦孚聆聽室顯得飽滿而厚實,可見MG 1.7並沒有想像中難推。




Ayre DX-5播放機擔任本次試聽的訊源,我以AES/EBU數位輸出連接Devialet帝瓦雷D-Premier擴大機。

鈦孚寬敞的聆聽室,正適合MG 1.7的龐大音像來充塞,即便距離老遠,或是走到皇帝位以外的其他位置,都能感受到充實的音場,這也是我最喜歡的喇叭特質之一。你別看MG 1.7只有165公分高(其實這一點都不矮,只是MG 1.7在Magnepan只算小號的),但產生的音場高出喇叭許多,坐在沙發上真的是在仰望音場,通常這樣的感受只有在極昂貴的大型系統上才能得到,但MG 1.7只讓你花少少便能擁有,實在值得。


以2011年高雄音響展的紀念CD為例,第4軌皮亞佐拉的「妓院1900」,MG 1.7變展現出一幅非常豐富、生動的音樂畫面。當中有長笛、哨子、敲擊樂、手風琴、鋼琴,還有弦樂,在一個交代地非常清晰的層次感與音場定位裡,每一件樂器都如同照片般清晰呈現,彷彿各自代表不同角色在對話,配合該曲標題,讓人真的感受到妓院中活潑俏皮的詼諧氣氛。

第6軌爵士樂「Loosing Belgium」也是如此,雖然此曲編制簡單,只有鋼琴、黑管、低音大提琴與鼓,但MG 1.7就像是把細節都放大了般,把樂手所有的技藝與演奏音樂的投入不吝嗇地展現出來,而營造出自由奔放而熱烈的現場氣氛,我不禁大呼過癮。值得一提的是,MG 1.7的低頻反應不輸高頻,因此低音大提琴的撥奏Q彈蹦跳,顆粒之明確,紋理之清晰絕非動圈式低音單體可比,但相對的,這顆粒也就沒有動圈式單體那種會彈到胸口的感覺,也較少濃厚的音箱共鳴感。


MG 1.7的另一項本領是全頻段的細節都非常豐富,對音色的描繪亦極其深刻,尤其對及細微訊號的發掘更是出色。以Crystal Cable的Arabesque阿拉貝斯克測試片為例,第9軌Chessky的巴松管協奏曲,收錄的是第二樂章。此樂章幾乎沒有激昂樂段,而像是詭秘氣氛的鋪陳,當中除了巴松管的低吟,還有弦樂襯底的呢喃,對於系統全頻段的細節表現算是很嚴格的考驗,但對MG 1.7來說卻像牛刀小試,讓此曲聽起來一點都不悶,反而更讓人屏氣凝神聆聽。

對音色能深刻地描繪,自然可以感受到真實樂器的自然質地之美。同一張CD第10軌蕭邦搖籃曲Op. 57,我聽到鋼琴音粒像是裹了一層光暈,在深邃漆黑的背景中蕩漾出潤澤的光彩。觸鍵感也是MG 1.7的強項,一顆顆音符輕盈清脆,指尖不論落在琴鍵的哪一個位置,力道的輕重快慢都清晰可辦。不過交響樂就是MG 1.7的弱項了,像是同張CD第1軌Liadov的「Baba Yaga」,RR錄音中最令人稱快的低沈龐大且迅捷無倫的低頻衝擊,在MG 1.7身上就少了褲管擺盪的震動感,胸口也沒有震波般的音浪。雖然如此,這並不減損我對MG 1.7的喜愛,因為它的優點在我心目中早已戰勝一切。


最後我拿起桌上Putumayo唱片公司的「Latin Lounge」專輯,想聽聽看MG 1.7播放流行類型的音樂又是什麼模樣,結果依然讓人開心,因為它龐大的規模感,飽滿的又清晰的中、低頻,敏銳的速度反應,溫暖的音色,讓拉丁音樂的熱情洋溢讓灰色調為主的聆聽室都熱了起來,聽完之後只覺意猶未盡。總而言之,用MG 1.7聽音樂幾乎是沒有壓力的,但什麼東西都沒有遺漏,我覺得對嚴肅聆聽者或只想輕鬆聽音樂的人來說都很適合,當然也適合音響發燒友囉!


頻率響應:40 Hz – 24 kHz
效率:86dB / 500Hz / 2.83v
阻抗:4 Ω
尺寸:19×65×2 inch(W×H×D)


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發表於 2013-10-31 07:09:53 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 auraheart 於 2013-10-31 16:57 編輯

Sometime back  in late 2010, Started selling my stereo system.  At the end, got a turntable, tuner, 2 pre-amps, 2 power amps left and wanted to keep them.  I said "screw it ! After nearly 40 years of hi fi...I am tired."  Wanted the Sound Lab as my retirement speakers from hi fi, but they were nowhere to be found in/near my city.  Picked up a pair of Maggie 1.7s, they sounded fine, and most importantly...discount able, lol..Paid about $1,750 USD out the door in 2011.

This is a baby maggie 1.7, but it is 71 inch tall..weight a bit less than 50lbs each, kinda light.   Since I had limited gears to play with, had to drive it with the Bruce Moore custom design/build 40 watts @ 8 ohms, KT88 based class A tube mono amps with the Audible Illusions Dual Mono pre-amp and still using the 4 gauge Fulton Gold speaker cable.  No solid state amps, no ribbon tweeters.   Let them collect dust in the storage room.  Figure out I do more easy listening than anything else.

The 1.7 is a 4 ohms, dipole design (sound from front and back).  Positioning these speakers could be a pain and certainly takes time.  Ideally a 15 m/s delay is perfect, say about 5ft form the wall, I guess.  At least 3 ft from the side wall lol...that requires some space.  I would suggest to use a decent 100 watt amp to drive them, they eat some power.  Might get away with a 50-75 watt amp if class A and provide a good amount of current. (lotta $$ that way, lol..)

Balance of sound of different range benefits listeners ears.  Nothing really stands out, smooth, mellow, warm sounding are the favorites of classical and middle of the road listeners.  It does not have a true ribbon tweeter like the more expensive models.  However, this fake ribbon (haha!)does not stand out like the top models, it is a plus to my ears due to the fact that current maggie can't produce rich bass with authority as the Tympini models.  (It is only a simple speaker not compareable to the Tympani's six screen design.)  It really balance things out !   The super tweeter does the job well, more air..very detailed.  Mids are quite open, typical of maggie anyway, but improvements of dispersion and stereo images means less headache to listeners.  They are not as directional as other eletrostatic speakers.  Crystal clear, both string and vocals...main thing I look for personally.  Though not perfect, I can listen to these speakers for hours and not hurting my ears.  Adding a sub is highly recommanded(prefer active haha..).  I grab an old sub from my brother in law which he no longer using lol...The Audio Pro B2 50 from Sweden with its push/pull sub woofers mounting and bulid-in  100 watt calss A/B amp, very unique.  Now we are talking business.  The lows of the a typical Maggie is nothing to be proud of..just no freaking punch like other panel speakers no matter how good reviewers write, it is not there, not deep either.  Dipole crap, and no internal volume like the cabinet speakers..results no kicks, or punch lol...and lack of realism as in a big concert hall..THIN !  A good sub could bail out this kinda of speakers big time !
I better stop here,even I am only halfway done...but Zzzzz lol...Thank you all for reading.


Dual Mono Pre-Amp

Dual Mono Pre-Amp

補充內容 (2013-10-31 13:50):
My Audible Illusions Dual Mono Pre-Amp in a rack mount case ( Designed by Bruce Moore).  The amps I use to drive the maggie was build by Bruce, exclusively for me, after we had lunch lol....

補充內容 (2013-11-1 17:13):
One last thing is that I had a custom made speaker base that is a few inch tall...stands a lot better than factory one (could fall with a push).  So actual height of the speakers maybe 66 or 67 inch.


吸引: 5.0 搶鏡: 5.0
吸引: 5 搶鏡: 5
以3.6計,她比名弦樂靚既BBC LS3/5a更為像真!謝謝用心回應,分從後補上 為支持本站的質素提昇,請多向不同的會員評分(尤其是用心發表的會員),多謝發表於 2013-10-31 08:34
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發表於 2013-10-30 06:24:25 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 auraheart 於 2013-10-30 07:17 編輯

The Maggie 1.7 is somewhat over rated LoL....not a true ribbon tweeter as the 2.6, 20.1 or 20.7, but still nice.  40hz my butt ! lol...at how many db drp in an actual listening room ?..over all it is cheap for a pair of somewhat hi end speakers.  Is aluminum frame better,? I don't know, not in this case.   It is not a traditional enclosure lol...The maggies were not considered hi end when I was young.  Maybe now it is..

補充內容 (2013-10-30 12:03):
The Tympani is high end for audiophiles, others are not.  Other maggies are discount-able at stores.


為支持本站的質素提昇,請多向不同的會員評分(尤其是用心發表的會員),多謝合作!分後補發表於 2013-10-30 06:41
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 樓主| 發表於 2013-10-30 06:36:37 | 顯示全部樓層
auraheart 發表於 2013-10-30 06:24
The Maggie 1.7 is somewhat over rated LoL....not a true ribbon tweeter as the 2.6, 20.1 or 20.7, but ...

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發表於 2013-10-30 06:39:24 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 auraheart 於 2013-10-30 07:19 編輯
柒喜 發表於 2013-10-30 06:36

Easy with a sub..  Can even get a cheap sub set it at or below 100hz....even class D build in amp is fine lol...I think Class AB active sub is $$$ now a day lol...it is non directional, don't need hi sound quality.  For me I always like class A/B no matter what..  and Scandinavian if possible.
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 樓主| 發表於 2013-10-30 06:40:47 | 顯示全部樓層
auraheart 發表於 2013-10-30 06:39
Easy with a sub..

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發表於 2013-10-30 06:42:15 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 auraheart 於 2013-10-30 07:12 編輯
柒喜 發表於 2013-10-30 06:40

I feel like cheating for points lol....  It is not right, should let someone else first.  You know I like electrostatic speakers, listened to a lot of them over the years.....I missed the Sound Lab speakers...This maggie was my third or fourth choice, was available locally and very cheap.  Low price is the key, I am cheap lol..
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 樓主| 發表於 2013-10-30 06:43:56 | 顯示全部樓層
auraheart 發表於 2013-10-30 06:42
I feel like cheating for points lol....  It is not right, should let someone else first.

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發表於 2013-10-30 06:51:02 | 顯示全部樓層
太貴了, 禾得個汰字
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發表於 2013-10-30 06:54:40 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 auraheart 於 2013-10-30 06:58 編輯
cheong141 發表於 2013-10-30 06:51
太貴了, 禾得個汰字

No, it is probably one of the cheapest panel speakers, best price/performance ratio on my book for today speakers. Can anyone get better speakers for under $2,000 USD better than this?
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 樓主| 發表於 2013-10-30 07:02:32 | 顯示全部樓層
auraheart 發表於 2013-10-30 06:54
No, it is probably one of the cheapest panel speakers, best price/performance ratio on my book for ...

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發表於 2013-10-30 07:05:45 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 auraheart 於 2013-10-30 11:50 編輯
柒喜 發表於 2013-10-30 07:02

Not agree, should at least double.....Maggie sound very sweet...it no Quad 57, but much easier to play with and less headache.  Tri amp Quad can blow this maggie away, but $$$ and tons of headache.  If anyone can find an original ESL 57, and mint condition..lol...

補充內容 (2013-10-30 07:11):
You only meant 低頻?  haha..
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發表於 2013-10-30 07:07:00 | 顯示全部樓層
一見此陣營, 定必覺得身在電影院內
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發表於 2013-10-30 07:10:36 用手機發表 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2013-10-30 07:14:56 | 顯示全部樓層
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I write up something in a day or two, hehe....  I feel better that way.
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發表於 2013-10-30 08:01:14 | 顯示全部樓層
柒喜 發表於 2013-10-30 06:10
我說我話: 相信舊一輩師兄中,大多數也認識也認同Magneplanar MG3.6個種音色美麗絕倫,像真質感,規模龐大 ...

12 年後先出新model....
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發表於 2013-10-30 08:08:57 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 auraheart 於 2013-10-30 08:09 編輯
schmid9394 發表於 2013-10-30 08:01
12 年後先出新model....

Maggie 3.7 was the replacement of 3.6 (2011)

Maggie 1.7 was the replacement of 1.6 (2010)
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 樓主| 發表於 2013-10-30 08:18:24 | 顯示全部樓層
schmid9394 發表於 2013-10-30 08:01
12 年後先出新model....

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發表於 2013-10-30 08:20:04 | 顯示全部樓層
auraheart 發表於 2013-10-30 08:08
Maggie 3.7 was the replacement of 3.6 (2011)

Maggie 1.7 was the replacement of 1.6 (2010)

MG 1.6已經賣了12年
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發表於 2013-10-30 08:23:36 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 柒喜 #3 的帖子

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 樓主| 發表於 2013-10-30 08:25:00 | 顯示全部樓層
schmid9394 發表於 2013-10-30 08:20
MG 1.6已經賣了12年

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