樓主: yk8686


發表於 2012-6-2 01:58:48 | 顯示全部樓層
City is dying !!
money is depreciating !!
50k really not bad
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發表於 2012-6-2 07:29:15 | 顯示全部樓層
回應 tung1871 #2 的帖子

最 高 可 負 擔 之 按 揭 貸 款 額:        HKD 4,246,061

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發表於 2012-6-2 21:51:10 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2012-6-2 22:01:12 | 顯示全部樓層
Sumeda 發表於 2012-5-30 07:33

very true c-hing i think not only 月月清..it should be 'day day 清'!
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發表於 2012-6-2 22:10:10 | 顯示全部樓層
煩惱 發表於 2012-5-30 18:06
其實我覺得 .... 凡事必有因嘅 ... 當然照計 ... 月入加埋成 8 萬 ... 刀 5 係一般打工仔 ... 衣著同住屋 ...

Very agree with you ar c-hing..可否買少 d 野 ? 手袋、西裝、首飾等等刀好耐用架 ... 可否捱幾年 5 去旅行 ? 去一次平極刀洗 3 幾萬呱

Actually, 'normal working people' who earns 20K-30K a month may save up more money than these 'high earners'. As we rarely go to holidays--(I know some high earners go to Western countries 2x a year...) so at least 1 month of their salary will gone... (obviously they will go to those top hotels.... and has to eat good every time..)

But I guess we have to understand that these 'high earners' eat/spend in different place compared to us...a dinner for us may be 100-150HKD, but they may go to 300HKD ( may be even more ) for a person =-= and buy groceries in different place ie) City Super rather than Park n Shop!  so even if they earn 80K-100K a month, in reality, their purchasing power MAY be like us...cos they dont know how to 'use' money...so they won't have enough money for a deposit.....espeically now a days...you need a least 150K....
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發表於 2012-6-2 22:12:38 | 顯示全部樓層
煩惱 發表於 2012-5-31 11:51
要佢地捱果吓難嘛 ...

actually if you have a goal, than it won't be too difficult (I have been saving up since I was 16..-although I still can't afford a deposit in Hong Kong....I'm in UK so is much cheaper....) but off course, you have to compromise on things...ie) eat cheaper/find ways to travel cheaper/buy less things/ have control over your spending etc...
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發表於 2012-6-2 22:14:56 | 顯示全部樓層
yk8686 發表於 2012-6-2 00:59

c-hing 借9成......not only the interest is SUPER high but also it is VERY risky-as it is much likely you can't repay and the home will be reposed....it happens a lot in UK...as many first time buyer only has 5-10% deposit so like now, when un-employment is so high, many people lose their jobs and they can't afford to pay their homes....
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發表於 2012-6-2 22:16:31 | 顯示全部樓層
hksunshine 發表於 2012-6-2 01:58
City is dying !!
money is depreciating !!
50k really not bad

personally i think earning 50K in HK is not bad at all...BUT....everything is soo expensive in Hong kong and people who earn this 'region'-50K won't go to eat anything less than GOOD....and they will go anywhere with Taxi...so it makes 50K not a lot for them...
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發表於 2012-6-3 00:04:45 | 顯示全部樓層
Peers123 發表於 2012-6-2 21:51


無得揀又話儲唔到首期, 有得揀又嫌費用貴,


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發表於 2012-6-3 00:12:38 | 顯示全部樓層
entry1 發表於 2012-6-3 00:04

無得揀又話儲唔到首期, 有得揀又嫌費用貴,

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發表於 2012-6-3 00:13:34 | 顯示全部樓層
nicholasnick 發表於 2012-6-2 22:14
c-hing 借9成......not only the interest is SUPER high but also it is VERY risky-as it is much like ...




9成會係一個選擇, 給他們多一個出路,

風險當然亦因每個人背景唔同, 要各自考慮,

但有一點就係, 做任何事都有風險, 亦有代價(利息支出),

半點不願付出, 亦係難會成功
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發表於 2012-6-3 00:14:12 | 顯示全部樓層
what a pity !!  work hard any use ?
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發表於 2012-6-3 00:14:57 | 顯示全部樓層
Peers123 發表於 2012-6-3 00:12

咁不如你叫衣, 食, 行回到廿年前水平可以嗎?

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發表於 2012-6-3 01:28:21 | 顯示全部樓層
entry1 發表於 2012-6-3 00:13


Yes ar c-hing, buying a property is an investment....an every investment carries risk but probably this is the MOST USEFUL investment, as you will be living inside.

so yes it depends whether you really need it and if you can afford the risk, then is fine.
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發表於 2012-6-3 01:29:09 | 顯示全部樓層
hksunshine 發表於 2012-6-3 00:14
what a pity !!  work hard any use ?

well you can't say that gei c-hing, if you don't work hard, you will NEVER be able to buy a property. So at least IF u work hard, u have some chance....
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發表於 2012-6-3 01:32:15 | 顯示全部樓層
entry1 發表於 2012-6-3 00:14
咁不如你叫衣, 食, 行回到廿年前水平可以嗎?

Very personal speaking, I do think is very high (comparing to other countries, and HK is the most expensive to afford a house now..). Off course we can't compare back to the 1990s, but how about back to 2007? when it was nearly 30% OFF the price now?

The same place in 2006/2007 cost 5.6M but now...over 8.3M... so surely 5 yrs can't go over 3m!?

and surely, the food, clothes, most important-SALARY hasn't increased by 30% since 2007???
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發表於 2012-6-3 01:42:59 | 顯示全部樓層
nicholasnick 發表於 2012-6-3 01:28
Yes ar c-hing, buying a property is an investment....an every investment carries risk but probably ...


但基於居住需要買樓, 我覺得負擔到就應該買,




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發表於 2012-6-3 01:52:18 | 顯示全部樓層
nicholasnick 發表於 2012-6-3 01:32
Very personal speaking, I do think is very high (comparing to other countries, and HK is the most  ...


單講食, 呢幾年食材, 餐館升左幾多我諗大家都知,


仲有就係, 生活各個環節唔係數學公式, 不能用對等呢個加幾多, 那個又加幾多

你能用07年來比較, 那基於甚麼標準要用07年呢?

如果同97比, 樓剛升破97位, 但各類物價比當年升了多少?


人係要適應生活, 不是社會大勢去適應人
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發表於 2012-6-3 08:17:08 | 顯示全部樓層
entry1 發表於 2012-6-3 01:52

單講食, 呢幾年食材, 餐館升左幾多我諗大家都知,

Yes ar c-hing, I live in UK. So sorry to write in eng

I think C-hing is older than me and owns a property (or more than one!). And although I understand   we can't compare the property prices with the price of our daily essentials but we can perhaps say the affordability of the housing in HK now is very low (ie: expensive) IF you are first time buyer.

I am just speaking as a 八零后 (well Im 88), uni graduate and been savings/working since I was 16 (been saving for 10 yrs..well I didn't save up for a property before and only started to think about it 2 yrs ago, but seeing the same property going from $3m in 2005/2007 to $5m (now)...I have given up hope..)..

Although many people in HK say as a post 80, we shouldn't blame the government about the high housing price or seek for help (I don't believe we should live in a council house either). BUT...an average house price in HK cost  $6103 per square (According to 美聯「樓價走勢圖 in April) ..so for a 600SQ (well some people may say should you buy a 600 SQ for your first home? BUT...please bare in mind 600SQ these days..doesn't give you 600SQ..it is more like a 400SQ!)...so it would cost you at least $3.6M.  

Now...I guess not many post 80 would have a savings of over $1.2m (30% deposit)...we are not blaming about the high price (as it means the economy is good...) BUT we are blaming about our salary won't allow us to save a deposit & to do repayment each month.

To save up $1.2M, If we think about earning 200K a year ( which I guess this is the average of a post 80s earn now..it would takes you.......6 Years AND without spending $1! and we graduate at 22/23, so it would be 28-30 until we can save a deposit!

Now...you would say NO ONE knows how much is the property after 6 years...HOWEVER, we can predict that it is VERY unlikely to decrease-ie) perhaps the max will be 10% down...so it would still cost around 3m for a 600SQ...

And...WHO wants the property prices to decrease in HK??? there are many investors/self occupier and even government wouldn't as they want to sell the land as expensive as possible..Remeber Many land got take back from the auction because the price is too low?

I do agree that what you are saying C-hing, off course, if you own a property, you would want it to increase in value ( and that's normal on what you think, like my parents..) BUT...if you think of the difficulty as a post 80 to get on to the property ledder, it becomes very difficult to us. It is not like we don't work hard/save up, it is the fact that our Job/salary doesn't allow us to do???

It is actually the same as in UK (or many other countries), BUT an average UK home ( we can only say average because price in London (most expensive) would be VERY different to North of England (most cheaper) and is only GBP 160K (so 160,000GBPx12.5=HKD2M). And honestly this is nearly 40% OFF the price compared to HK, but there are still MANY people who can't purchase a home/repossess ( because of high un-employment rate)...

Again, this is just from my opinion and it should also represent from a lot of post 80s trying to buy their first property...
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發表於 2012-6-3 11:15:56 | 顯示全部樓層
nicholasnick 發表於 2012-6-3 08:17
Yes ar c-hing, I live in UK. So sorry to write in eng

I think C-hing is older than me  ...


先簡單一點黎講, 正如你講LONDON同NORTH LONDON既分別,

UK咁大, 但講個LONDON都有分別, HK有幾大? 同LONDON比是怎樣?

市民還每每要逼在HK的市區, 市區範圍更細人更多(同LONDON比),


HK唔係無平樓, 住遠D新界仍有好多平價選擇,


反之你們地大, 住遠一點可能車程已佔不少時間,

HK咁細, 但市民多搭一會車亦嫌遠, 這是誰人問題呢?

另一個問題, CHING可能在外國住慣大屋,




我對你講, HK新界仍有細單位約2m上車,


如果連最低消費20萬也拿不出, 真的有能力置業嗎?

最後要講既係, 每個年代都有難處, 有機會,


世界每天都在變, 自己不去適應世界, 緬懷那個年代好, 但個地球都係唔會停下等你,

你可以賴"生不逢時", 但那又怎樣? 還不是每天要過活, 積極D面對好過啦
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