It is fun, I had two great teachers when I was young. That was the 70s. Quad ESL 57 was the hardest..a bit hard to tri-amp, not easy to find matching sub..and so on. That Thorens wasn't bad. We installed into a wooden custom cabinet (or base) ! It was a long cabinet, TT on left and empty space occupy about 75% reserved to store most frequently played albums.
It is like a one piece furniture, if I remember correctly. Had a chance to listen to it at my friend's record store,(maybe 1976) Chinatwon, SF...Some old man just didn't want it and sold it very cheap, maybe a few hundred bucks...(probably didn't know or didn't care) My friend owned a high end stereo store about 4 or 5 years later.
I wouldn't buy Quad speakers from Ebay. Hard to burn a Quad with higher power. What happen is each time when overload.. it "ARC" (spelling?) the speaker. The ESL still would sound, and takes less maximum power, and so on....until it is dead. Never happened to me with the Bedini 25/25.. I would assume that Quad's used market is narrow...Quad users know hi fi in general. Why I mention original here a few times. Better chance to tell if it has been "arc" or not...hehe.
補充內容 (2013-10-27 00:30):
I hardly ever bought used speakers and carts, for various of reasons. They both don't last if not handle right.
Too many wealthy folks in HK...My hi fi friends and I were/are usually poor, and we had to do things the hard way. Instead of spending a lot, just for the sake of owning them, we learn and listen with heart, even now, we still do. That is all we can do with limited financial resources, haha.
Not that hard, we did quad, mag, acoustat, dayton wright, and others. They don't reach 1 ohm that often..should worry about moisture more in HK could 發毛..even dust...or roaches haha..or even conductive stuff . Climate of HK is not the greatest... humid..I have not seen sound lab speakers around for sometime, they pretty good...outta business? Mr. Gooseling knows about sound lab speakers?...what are your thoughts? hehe..It was one on my wanted speakers list, lol...but never owned..
Low power amp can drive it...even my Bedini 25 watt amp lol...
I bet you the old Pioneer M21 can drive it, only 25 watts Well build though...2 cows, 33,000uf X 4 Caps and pure class A.
四十周既低頻? from a panel? hehe....I would forget it without a
Full range needs a 100 watts or so, with good current output..panel witout a sub kinda sucks..
Those 6, or 8 screens models really sucks for positioning...better struck with the inexpensive mag 1.7 and a sub.