發表於 2013-8-15 14:20:50
回復 Ericcc18 #52 的帖子
Totally agree!
That's why I haven't said that IT can help me rich.
(Well, or at least after '97)
But what are basic needs of one's life?
Food? And?
Shelter? And?
Clothes? And?
Sex? And?
If IT can only feed us, and keep us warm,
one can easily make the decision to change his/her career,
without looking back because there are so many jobs which
are good enough to feed a person, and keep a person warm as well.
We stay in the industry, (well, although we are not rich)
and what basic need or needs keeps or keep us in the industry,
working OT without paid,
working with men only,
(or perhaps working with some not-so-good-looking women)
learning so much stuff everyday without promotion.
What are these "basic needs"? |