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(投票) 你認為德國車比其他國家品牌汽車有壓倒性優勢嗎?

發表於 2012-7-3 14:44:14 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 Addicted 於 2012-7-3 14:45 編輯


點解揸車同唔揸車嘅人都好嚮往擁有一部Benz, BMW, Audi 同 Porsche?  最近美國財經雜誌 Fortune 做咗個統計,以下係結果嘅十個要點。你個人又同唔同意呢?請投票及分享吓你嘅想法。

1, 贏在起步點 -- 德國比其他國家先鑽研同發展汽車技術。Karl Benz 喺 1879 年已經注冊咗內燃引擎技術嘅專利,而喺1886 年就注冊咗佢首部汽車 Motorwagen 嘅專利

2, 從比賽中學習 -- 賽車技術研發要考慮到汽車喺最惡劣嘅環境將架車嘅潛能推到極限。呢D技術之後就可以應用喺量產型街車度。德國車廠有豐富嘅賽車歷史,同埋有”Green Hell” 之稱嘅紐布靈賽道供車廠比賽同試車。

3, 無限速公路 -- 當一個國家有接近 13000 公里嘅公路係無限速嘅時候,呢個國家生產嘅汽車都要有本事去發揮到

4, 品牌印象深刻 -- 德國車廠強調品牌型象,每個品牌都提供到好清晰嘅風格,品牌肩負嘅承諾,產品嘅原創性同實質內涵,連帶嘅相關性等。好似BMW 堅持每部車車重前後比例係 50:50, Audi 對四驅系統 quattro 嘅執著,Porsche 911 一定係後置引擎等等  (至少喺外國係。香港同內地人崇尚名牌,但有幾多係真正知道品牌背後意義同車廠理念?)

5, 重視工程技術 -- 當美國車廠用人唯Accounting -- 乜都以慳為先,同埋工會勢力又龐大;日本就只講求製作效率;意大利車只講求數字表現同浮誇,德國人仍然堅守發揮自己強項—以工程為主導。

6, 國際認可 – “經濟學人” 雜誌講過,新興經濟嘅發展中國家,人民開始有錢,而家就爭住買以前甚至上一代當時渴望擁有但無法擁有嘅嘢,而德國貨就係一種” 阿媽,我得咗喇” 嘅象徵。

7, 令人信服嘅自大 -- 自大通常會令人反感,但當你係消費者,需要有D嘢而令自己型象同信心提升嘅時候,去買件產品” 代入” 型象,好似比自己去自大得體。Benz 嘅廣告口號 “The Best or Nothing”, BMW 嘅 “The Ultimate Driving Machine”, 簡簡單單幾個字,就帶出呢個型象,陷入消費者嘅潛意式

8, 用身外物去炫耀 -- 同第7點有關連,有D人買嘢並唔係為咗件產品本身嘅質量,功能,性價比等,而係要比人知,我老爺/闊太就係買得起。

9, 人冇我有,物以罕為貴 -- 喺香港可能唔覺,因為實在太多呢D品牌嘅車。四十幾萬就買到部5系,但M5 要去到接近兩球。

10, 佢地話係就係 -- 無論Cadillac 同 Lexus 點努力用心去造出幾優秀嘅產品都好,德國車廠仍然有辦法令到消費者同Fans 先入為主。

單選投票, 共有 45 人參與投票
發表於 2012-7-3 16:10:10 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 335i 於 2012-7-3 16:11 編輯

totally agree 6,7,8!
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發表於 2012-7-3 21:23:13 | 顯示全部樓層
I buy German cars because:

1. Safety - once you own one, going back to Japanese cars you will feel the big difference in body strength. I want to protect my family;
2. Nice to drive;
3. Engineering innovations.

As for brands, higher price etc I am not buying them to show off. I buy them to enjoy.
However I must point out German cars are not necessary more reliable. You need to service it properly. There are lots of electrical issues in the 2000's era cars, which are not common among Japanese cars.

Also both German and Japanese cars drop value faster these days, so when trading in will lose more money.
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-7-3 21:44:16 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 ovaries #3 的帖子

The feeling you got when you close the doors makes a big difference, and that's due to the overall chassis stiffness and the anchor of the door.  However, I have to say, the passive safety difference between German and Japanese car nowadays is way smaller than back in the 80s.  Crumple Zone matters more during a serious crash.
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發表於 2012-7-3 22:43:09 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 ovaries 於 2012-7-4 00:44 編輯

I have owned a few Japanese cars and was very happy with them (2 Mazda, 1Honda). When children arrive in the family I had a Volvo V70. At the same time I also had a Corolla. There was noticeable difference on the feeling of safety between the two. Since then for my family's safety I prefer to be buy as safe as I can afford. I had own MB C-class, E-class and now back to C-class. My other car is a Toyota at the moment which I respect as it is well built and cost little to maintain.

I must say I had a fair bit of mechanical problem with my European cars. I made good friend with my "personal" mechanic as a result, and learn so much about cars each time I have to spend more money with them.
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-7-3 22:45:11 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 ovaries #5 的帖子

don't hit your head into the wall, at least you learn something everytime

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發表於 2012-7-3 22:57:29 | 顯示全部樓層
Addicted 發表於 2012-7-4 00:45
回復 ovaries #5 的帖子

don't hit your head into the wall, at least you learn something everytime :l ...

I do learn. Now I can change engine oil and filter on my Toyota. Changed air-filter, and also the air-con filter. Next time my neighbour will show me how to change brake pads.
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-7-3 23:02:18 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 ovaries #7 的帖子

I enjoy those days when I was living overseas with a house and a garage.  I have a floor jacks and some jack stands and I can work on my car myself.

Change brake pads is at a different new level compares to what you have done before, and definitely will be more satisfied once you completed it.  Enjoy and let us know how you do it! :)
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發表於 2012-7-3 23:03:39 | 顯示全部樓層
German car, a sign of reliance and safety.
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發表於 2012-7-3 23:06:15 | 顯示全部樓層
I don't have special preference to German cars but I do have preference to "West" European cars over Japanese cars.  American cars......sorry.

With all respect to Japanese cars' reliability, the appearance design is not exciting, handling in general has no difference between models, brands.  In recent years, Mazda tried their Zoom Zoom strategy, I kind of like the M6.

For European cars, British, German, Italian, French all have their own characters and I like particular models of different brands.

I'd say the long history and diverse cultures of car making enables European to produce more interesting cars
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發表於 2012-7-3 23:27:58 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 Addicted #8 的帖子

wow.......it is my dream.  When I was abroad, I was a poor student.  The max. I can afford was a parking space.
But I still remember diy the rusted door with mixed adhesive in winter, haha
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發表於 2012-7-3 23:49:50 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 Addicted #1 的帖子

While some out of the 10 points may be applicable to different markets, like point 8 in Chinese society, I think points 2 and 5 are commonly improper perception.

British and Italian have more racing heritage than German.  Majority of F1 racing teams have their base in Britain.  Mercedes Benz F1 team is one of them.  Lotus and Ferrari are the top 2 winning the largest quantity of GP championship.  When Alfa and Bentley were sweeping the race circuit, only Merc was the strong competitor from Germany

Engineering, I'd say British and Italian are on par with German but German's attitude to pay attention to reliability and precision pushed up the image of engineering excellence over the two.  Again the F1 example is an indicator.  In civil car realm, Rover's VVC, Jar's V12, Fiat's common-rail diesel, multi-air, all are good examples out of a lot of others that are unknown to non experts
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發表於 2012-7-4 01:13:02 | 顯示全部樓層
Thanks for Report.
The rich group will all appreciate the European car.
The people not so rich will enjoy the Japenese / Korean vehicle.
Nevertheless, those are all good points.
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發表於 2012-7-4 01:37:07 | 顯示全部樓層
以機器性能耐用性和安全性來說, 德國車的確係有很大的優勢.
我駕駛過德國, 英國, 日本, 意大利和韓國的汽車, 整體而言, 德國, 英國, 日本, 意大利的水平也不錯; 但說到機器性能, 德國車的確係最好的, 無論是Opel的Vectra2.0, 甚至Corsa, 抑或Benz的S600與SL55, 都是一律比同級其他國家生產的強, 甚至比更高一級的強! 至於德國車的漆, 也是最好的!
但如果說到內籠陳設, 高級的日本車, 如凌志的LS, 就絕對不比德國的弱, 尤其是那個散紙兜, 真是過隧道的恩物!
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發表於 2012-7-4 01:55:44 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 gc63hk 於 2012-7-4 23:14 編輯
Addicted 發表於 2012-7-3 14:44
點解揸車同唔揸車嘅人都好嚮往擁有一部Benz, BMW, Audi 同 Porsche?  最近美國財經雜誌 Fortune 做咗 ...

I don't think German cars are much better, may be they are better, but not by too much. The fact that they are very well received is because German's pursit of engineering excellence, with quality a top priority. Personally I think Jaguar and Land Rover are among the best in their respective sectors. By the way, VW has to thank the vast Chinese car buyers for their helps to propel VW to the throng of the biggest car manufacturer in the world.
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發表於 2012-7-4 08:12:03 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 Addicted #1 的帖子

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發表於 2012-7-4 08:16:42 | 顯示全部樓層
Addicted 發表於 2012-7-3 14:44
點解揸車同唔揸車嘅人都好嚮往擁有一部Benz, BMW, Audi 同 Porsche?  最近美國財經雜誌 Fortune 做咗 ...

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發表於 2012-7-4 10:55:07 | 顯示全部樓層
Addicted 發表於 2012-7-3 14:44
點解揸車同唔揸車嘅人都好嚮往擁有一部Benz, BMW, Audi 同 Porsche?  最近美國財經雜誌 Fortune 做咗 ...


人地用細cc Engine 黎換來慳油,減磅既作用,換取更佳ge燃油效益


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發表於 2012-7-5 18:13:19 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 German69 於 2012-7-5 18:13 編輯

而家我就比較喜歡揸日本環保 "Hi 必" 車
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發表於 2012-7-6 16:38:18 | 顯示全部樓層
Agree 2 and 5
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