樓主: entry1

七八十後「高薪族」 月薪三萬三有車樓

發表於 2012-6-27 18:32:21 | 顯示全部樓層

Exactly....I don't think 25K a month in HK can classify as 高薪族

HOWEVER, an average person in HK earns 15K, so 25K is above average.

Having said that, an average family household in HK earns around 28-30K.
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發表於 2012-6-27 18:34:28 | 顯示全部樓層
entry1 發表於 2012-6-27 15:49
你又誇左D, 睇TARGET係咩啦

Exactly. Actually, I know a person who falls into that category too....obviosuly, if you want a 3000SQ penthouse then earning 100K is really not enough
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發表於 2012-6-27 21:56:47 | 顯示全部樓層
其實三萬三人工夠供樓, 三十年, 但係個首期咪一定要問屋企借, 否則有排儲
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發表於 2012-6-27 22:35:39 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2012-6-27 22:51:28 | 顯示全部樓層
四川佬 發表於 2012-6-27 22:35
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發表於 2012-6-28 07:03:18 | 顯示全部樓層
yk8686 發表於 2012-6-27 22:51

30k 就够用,够养妻活儿,但掺因为你要几多个年头先够首期买500尺楼?
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-6-28 14:16:24 | 顯示全部樓層
四川佬 發表於 2012-6-28 07:03
30k 就够用,够养妻活儿,但掺因为你要几多个年头先够首期买500尺楼?

個個首期都係儲錢, 投資返黎, 再唔係父母大把囉,




this i completely disagree.  ive been in the industry (im not just a retail investor, aka 散户) for years.  made my wealth, bought my ferraris, porsches, repulse bay real estate.  also fucked my share of LKF OLs and 141 hotel girls.

由以上黎睇, 炒股咁叻, 無理由唔知首期除左儲$仲要識投資架咩?

仲有WOR, 有得兩架名車, 住緊淺水灣既人, 好少無其他10棟8棟物業, 咁快走晒貨啦咩?

定係四川地震中無晒呀, 再唔係送晒比HG?

入得黎呢度, 大家都算係網友, 晚晚係度洗版式回帖, 講野9吹, 唔踢爆你都唔得, 檢討下啦
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發表於 2012-6-28 19:51:26 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2012-6-28 20:28:42 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 四川佬 於 2012-6-28 20:29 編輯
entry1 發表於 2012-6-28 14:16
個個首期都係儲錢, 投資返黎, 再唔係父母大把囉,


i only own one flat, but i do own a porsche and a ferrari.  how do you want me to prove it to you?   as for the hotel girl encounters, you can check out my reports.

i come to this forum to take a look, check out what the general public thinks.   dont mean to offend people; but you certainly dont need to think you're smart and make it sound like i'm 9吹。

but, in a normal world, downpayment should not rely on investments.  hard work should get you there.  but if you see our world right now, you cant tell youngsters to work hard and live an honest life - because hard work and honesty wont get you your downpayment.  
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發表於 2012-6-28 23:50:03 | 顯示全部樓層
entry1 發表於 2012-6-27 10:02
現時本港有近一百六十五萬名七、八十後打工一族是人人羨慕的「年輕高薪族」。有銀行對「年輕高薪族」進行調 ...

seems that she is renting The Arch
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發表於 2012-6-28 23:55:38 | 顯示全部樓層
Mr.metal 發表於 2012-6-27 16:52
月薪超過二萬五千元 = 高薪族? This criteria seems very loose.

Disposable income determines!!

If u earn $25k & need not pay any pocket$ to parents, $25k = quite high (u may save 20k per month if u use $ carefully every month)
If u earn $40k but need to pay $20k pocket$ & household expenses to parents, u just remain $20k as disposable income

Again, Disposable income determines!!

(I knew a frd that she needs to pay $15k pocket$ to her parents and she earns 22k per month)
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-6-29 02:11:16 | 顯示全部樓層
四川佬 發表於 2012-6-28 20:28
i only own one flat, but i do own a porsche and a ferrari.  how do you want me to prove it to you? ...

你有幾多身家我無咩興趣知, 我只係講出犯駁既地方, 講完古預左比人駁古架啦,

投資達人同人講: "in a normal world, downpayment should not rely on investments.  hard work should get you there."

我就真係O晒嘴, 大C, 個normal world係邊呀? 我唔要發夢先有呀

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發表於 2012-6-29 07:23:11 | 顯示全部樓層
entry1 發表於 2012-6-29 02:11
你有幾多身家我無咩興趣知, 我只係講出犯駁既地方, 講完古預左比人駁古架啦,

投資達人同人講: "in a no ...

explains why we are in a bubble, thats all.  

the 'normal world' exists in the US, Europe right now (exclude a few major cities like London).  HK was part of this normal world until the china stimulus was announced in 2008, coupled with zero USD rates - both acted as jet fuel to start the bubble.

i keep saying one thing - printing money doesnt replace hard work.  you cant just keep printing money and lowering mortgage rates to support asset prices.  asset prices (ie properties) should only go up when household income and productivity increase.

it is hard to see things from that perspective.  who knew they were in a bubble when PCCW was near 100 dollars and Yahoo was at 600 in the US?
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-6-29 14:37:29 | 顯示全部樓層
四川佬 發表於 2012-6-29 07:23
explains why we are in a bubble, thats all.  

the 'normal world' exists in the US, Europe right n ...

歐美係你口中既normal world? 笑死人啦, 係呀, 樓係平呀, 但失業咁高, 工都無得做, 邊有$$買樓呀, 有都留黎買麵包啦, 印銀紙無助解決問題, 但正好係比左機會我地大炒特炒, 包括股市, 其他人會覺得唔好, 但作為基金經理絕對係樂見既事, 你會例外?
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發表於 2012-6-29 22:19:22 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 四川佬 於 2012-6-29 22:20 編輯
entry1 發表於 2012-6-29 14:37
歐美係你口中既normal world? 笑死人啦, 係呀, 樓係平呀, 但失業咁高, 工都無得做, 邊有$$買樓呀, 有都留 ...

i dont run a fund, i run a strategy at a bank.  i am glad i dont run a fund now.  no long-only fund is adequately invested (holding near 5pct cash as of last wk, which is high).  as the market squeezes up, they are forced to chase.  but at some point after they are fully invested, the market will sell off.  

i think the US and developed Europe real estate prices are normal - my context is on the affordability of housing; and on the relative value between real estate and other asset classes.  not sure why you would disagree.  look up the average household income and average property prices of HK and of the US/Germany/UK/France.  i think you're hugely mistakened if you think europeans (germans/french/brits) and americans are poor and should save $ for bread.  Americans and Europeans in general are richer than HK people in case you dont realize.  you know even an average greek person has more wealth (ex real estate) than a HKer?  surprising, isnt it?  it's true....

大炒特炒, 包括股市?  this is the toughest market in a long time.  everything is politics driven.  
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-6-30 18:23:20 | 顯示全部樓層
四川佬 發表於 2012-6-29 22:19
i dont run a fund, i run a strategy at a bank.  i am glad i dont run a fund now.  no long-only fun ...

你做邊間大BANK? 係投資部既話事人? 定係幫客投比意見既PB先? 差好遠架啵

希臘就係好福利到而家PK囉, 有$? 點叫有$, 多幾個零嗎?

希臘如果一脫歐元區, 用回佢地舊貨幣, 即刻貶值幾多? 係有$定窮呀?

無謂兜啦, 真正係市場上打慣仗既人對市場卵野方式唔會係咁,

連今日歐美國民既財力同港人比都持咁既意見, 相信只有係香港日日凸政府既低下層先會咁諗

因為, 佢地根本唔了解, 歐美當地高失業率下, 人人都驚無得撈, 點都慳住駛, 情況有D似香港沙士時咁,

反而港人失業率低, 收入你話少都叫穩定,

但低下層人工就增長慢, 往往有收入但追唔上消費, 見人歐美樓平就羨慕,

你既擁有靚樓靚車, 應該係高收入一群人, 近年絕對地分享到香港成果,

因為近年人工兩極化, 高既越高, 低既越低, 除非你唔係啦

你成日提住既IBOND, 係咁意都超額咁多, 可見港人幾富貴

我贊成煩版話, 理性討綸, 唔係上黎晒身家,

理性....唔係叫你洗版, 唔係叫你亂吹作大,

我地係呢度日日亂咁UP野都唔會話玩大晒身家呢D野, 一樣吹得好HAPPY,

同你吹左幾日, 你係讀過書有學識既人我信, 其他既...算把啦,

你唔洗版已經好好, 歡迎你!!
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發表於 2012-6-30 23:31:22 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 四川佬 於 2012-6-30 23:44 編輯
entry1 發表於 2012-6-30 18:23
你做邊間大BANK? 係投資部既話事人? 定係幫客投比意見既PB先? 差好遠架啵

希臘就係好福利到而家PK囉, 有 ...

Greek people are v rich, but the country cant balance its budget (never did in the past 10yrs).  greece is the exactly the opposite of china.  china is 国富民穷,greece is 国穷民富 (US is likewise).  numbers are on my side.  no need to dispute.  if Greece relaunches the drachma, the drachma will of course depreciate immediately.  but that is also how they can wipe their debt, restart a clean balance sheet, devalue their currency, increase in competitiveness, attract foreign investment and rebuild.  trust me, it is not a bad thing, and this is the only solution.  the EU summit has offered no solution.  market is up, but there is no long term solution.  i'm happy to bet with anyone that Greece will exit the eurozone.  

how does i-bond oversubscription reflect that HK people are rich?  it simply reflects that people wont let go of some 500 dollars free money by clicking a few buttons on the internet.  HK people are rich because their properties went up, hence feel richer overall.  you have to thank donald tsang for that.

i run a vol arb strategy.  im not the chief there.  and no offense, but retail guys wont know what it is and will never invest in these strategy.  afterall it loses money 9 of 12months.   who i consider as my peers the guys at highbridge, hbk, citadel, brevan howard, black diamond, titan, vega and eton park etc.  i dont think retail guys know what those are either.

i didnt really exaggerate my wealth.  nor am i trying to showcase.  洗版 or not, i'm just saying that the real estate project in TKO will drop to 2k in the next crisis.  im not saying the next crisis comes next month or next year, right?  who would have thought HSBC would drop to 33 bucks?  it is just that you think i'm condescending when i say it's a tough life to live with 30k income per month.......  i've been on the sex141 board writing/reading reviews for 8yrs.  as i said, i only recently started reading these other boards.  ;-)  obviously, it is easier to agree with people on the hotel girls board.
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發表於 2012-6-30 23:44:19 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 四川佬 於 2012-7-1 00:12 編輯
entry1 發表於 2012-6-30 18:23
你做邊間大BANK? 係投資部既話事人? 定係幫客投比意見既PB先? 差好遠架啵

希臘就係好福利到而家PK囉, 有 ...

respond to 3 more things -

1) 無謂兜啦, 真正係市場上打慣仗既人對市場卵野方式唔會係咁 --> how do people think if they are 市場上打慣仗?  how many of such people do you even know?  i think i gave you a very full analysis.  you look at developed market 10yr treasuries, dont you think people are concerned?  why is CHF 10yr bond at negative yield?  do you think people are stupid to buy swiss/german/us/uk treasuries at or close to zero yield?  the market perceives risk which is not shown in equities now.  it's okay if you reject my ideas because you're long 10 properties and long stocks, but you need to be factual.  i never questioned you what you do or accused you of lying

2) 歐美當地高失業率下, 人人都驚無得撈, 點都慳住駛 --> speak to anyone in a bank or brokerage firm or a property agent and see how good they feel about their employment now.

3) what do you mean by 香港成果?  people above 30k salary bracket dont make 150% more now than 5 yrs ago.  property prices are up 150% since then but income is unchanged.  is it what you mean by 香港成果?  both you and i may be on the receiving end because of the low rates/high asset prices.  but that doesnt make it right....  again, money printing shouldnt replace hardwork.  asset prices should go up only because the city and the people are making more $, not because the US is printing and HKD is pegged

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 樓主| 發表於 2012-7-1 17:56:31 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 entry1 於 2012-7-1 17:56 編輯
四川佬 發表於 2012-6-30 23:44
respond to 3 more things -

1) 無謂兜啦, 真正係市場上打慣仗既人對市場卵野方式唔會係咁 --> how do p ...

"it's okay if you reject my ideas because you're long 10 properties and long stocks, but you need to be factual.  "

我無10間樓, 有都唔夠你間淺水灣貴啦, 照講跌咁多係都你驚d, 唔好同我講自住呀, 做慣套戥對沖既你, 無理由唔先沽再租呀

"speak to anyone in a bank or brokerage firm or a property agent and see how good they feel about their employment now."

自己睇下報紙啦, 係咁意都搵到幾條link



第3點仲好笑, 如果樓價3年升150%, 咁點解3年前唔買? 如果話當年無能力, sorry, 係個人問題,

正如當日hsbc跌到咁平, 我又無$$買wor, 咁點呀, 無理由我叫你賠掛

算啦, 都係唔好同你一般見識, 你發你既夢, 祝你買ibond買到發達, 同d樓跌到你講果個價, 咁我就可以買返間,

不過要你用間淺水灣陪輸, 真唔好意思囉
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發表於 2012-7-1 19:25:32 | 顯示全部樓層
entry1 發表於 2012-7-1 17:56
"it's okay if you reject my ideas because you're long 10 properties and long stocks, but you need ...

my viewpoint has been very clear -

im not bullish properties or stocks or the economy.  i have been a bondholder for years (corporates, govies and ibonds).  i am okay with lower but stable returns.  as for properties, i see it as a necessity more so than an investment.  if people need to 靠投资 or 靠低息借钱 to buy real estate, then it is a bubble, period.  15yrs ago people put every penny into properties; 11yrs ago people put every penny into internet stocks; 10yrs people put every penny into properties.  dont you see any similarities?   along the way some people get rich, but some get 20yrs of labor wiped out.

your oriental daily articles further confirmed my thoughts -- finance and real estate professionals dont feel secured about their jobs.  you think property prices or stock prices have more upside?  

my response to you was to question what is 香港成果。 property prices up 150% in 3yrs is 香港成果?  民生 is a total mess in this city.  

in short - can you answer me 2 questions - and i promise you i'll disappear from this  board subsequently :

1) what is driving the property market in HK in the past 3yrs besides low rates?
2) what is the 香港成果 you were referring to in the past 3 yrs?

thank you.

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