樓主: rtsang88

多倫多 多咗幾檔新的 樓上骨

發表於 2010-9-9 21:03:07 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #180 nobody123 的帖子

C-hing you should try again, she was moving last week. She is now settle down at 20 Stonehill. She told me that FS will be availabe today. As you know she has very good comments so she is extremely busy. Try your luck.
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發表於 2010-9-11 04:05:22 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 rtsang88 於 2010-7-3 03:52 發表

Something for you to explore
also from SingTao

新張30 : 私家按摩 後生靚女身材一流 清潔舒適推油踩背   XX漆-發陸零-易壹發發
locate at Sheppard/Kennedy 紫荊閣, 有骨床, $50/60 min including HJ

澳門 ...

早两日又身痕兼心痕,約左 20 Stonehilllll PH04,11 點約 11點半,佢話剛起身,12 點得唔得,無問題丫,去到樓下,call 佢。佢鹵味丫,居然話我唔確实,接左第個客,叫我再遲半粒鐘泥過。真係你食蕉啦,跳佢廿碼 !!!!

真係俾D飛机放到火都泥埋 !!!!

無計,因為約左冧住ok,所以無帶定功課。無計,隋便係SD廣告,Call 左2 3 個,一係把声好老牛,再唔係就態度唔好(可能早左Dcall D 女卦) 最後call 埋澳门妹,佢話位置係125 BC,已经性趣下降,死啦,(lunch break) ,返工又早左,個心又有D抖爭,实情係"心有不甘"。

最後 125 就 125 啦。Macau 妹实情係北妹,可能真係住過HK,對HK都好熟。哦...原來係HK做過bone女。$50做60min。幾好傾,5' 6-7"高,有波有羅,約30到尾,手勢手力唔錯,(大蛇c-hing話齊技術好,年紀亦好"大") 有問我要唔要HJ,本人對HJ無性趣,所以無做。過左鍾都無炸形。後尾八卦問有FS,加50。無冧住開大,所以無食。

再提: 佢叫我帶散紙,原來停車要收錢,唉...... 真係無話可說。

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發表於 2010-9-11 04:08:04 | 顯示全部樓層
thank you C-hing, I will try again.... and give her a HARD time
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發表於 2010-9-11 04:14:16 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 gc106 於 2010-9-9 21:03 發表
C-hing you should try again, she was moving last week. She is now settle down at 20 Stonehill. She told me that FS will be availabe today. As you know she has very good comments so she is extremely bu ...

thank you C-hing, I will try again.... and give her a HARD time

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發表於 2010-9-11 07:20:28 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 gc106 於 2010-9-9 21:03 發表
C-hing you should try again, she was moving last week. She is now settle down at 20 Stonehill. She told me that FS will be availabe today. As you know she has very good comments so she is extremely bu ...

is this Momo?

20 Stonehill is where Jenny is, good back up
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發表於 2010-9-11 07:25:09 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 nobody123 於 2010-9-11 04:05 發表

早两日又身痕兼心痕,約左 20 Stonehilllll PH04,11 點約 11點半,佢話剛起身,12 點得唔得,無問題丫,去到樓下,call 佢。佢鹵味丫,居然話我唔確实,接左第個客,叫我再遲半粒鐘泥過。真係你食蕉啦,跳佢廿碼 !!!!

真係俾D飛机放到 ...

who's this one @ PH04? Momo or Jenny?
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發表於 2010-9-11 19:38:51 | 顯示全部樓層
Momo is not locate on PH level
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發表於 2010-9-14 05:35:05 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #185 無名無性 的帖子

Yes, it is Momo. She is located at mid level
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發表於 2010-9-14 11:38:40 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 nobody123 於 2010-9-11 04:05 發表

早两日又身痕兼心痕,約左 20 Stonehilllll PH04,11 點約 11點半,佢話剛起身,12 點得唔得,無問題丫,去到樓下,call 佢。佢鹵味丫,居然話我唔確实,接左第個客,叫我再遲半粒鐘泥過。真係你食蕉啦,跳佢廿碼 !!!!

真係俾D飛机放到 ...

依家天氣仲唔壞, `如果10月起,仲係咁

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發表於 2010-9-14 11:40:39 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 nobody123 於 2010-9-11 04:14 發表

thank you C-hing, I will try again.... and give her a HARD time


其實你又唔洗咁火既  人地味起身姐

如果咁少事都嬲, toronto 好多地方會更加令你嬲, 你係香港,內地,澳門更加唔洗玩
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發表於 2010-9-15 03:41:43 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 lich13 於 2010-9-14 11:40 發表

其實你又唔洗咁火既  人地味起身姐

如果咁少事都嬲, toronto 好多地方會更加令你嬲, 你係香港,內地,澳門更加唔洗玩

13 c-hing 有所誤会,女女放飛机好平常姐,佢地都要揾食,有客就做。
我意思係下次等我 Little Brother 俾D HARD time 佢,大家happy
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發表於 2010-10-20 05:06:53 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #161 rtsang88 的帖子

Any brothers tried this one at singtao:

正宗港式按摩樣貌娟好巧手一人新舊骨精的最佳選擇麥高雲/401 647-996-1677

特價專業按摩         [0001278750]
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發表於 2010-10-22 07:26:25 | 顯示全部樓層
多謝 rtsang88 兄無私分享
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發表於 2010-10-28 01:38:16 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 tkky 於 2010-10-20 05:06 發表
Any brothers tried this one at singtao:

正宗港式按摩樣貌娟好巧手一人新舊骨精的最佳選擇麥高雲/401 647-996-1677

特價專業按摩         [0001278750]
30分鐘35元45分鐘50元90分鐘80元RMT60分鐘80元416 ...


弟2個, 係中國人聽, 不過肯定唔係做依d既

唔知c 兄 d info 係太舊, 定係打錯number
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發表於 2010-10-28 14:03:25 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #194 lich13 的帖子

I went there last year.  The best thing to do is buy a 星島 newspaper, and you have the right phone number. Make sure your cell phone does not block your Caller ID.
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發表於 2010-10-28 16:33:38 | 顯示全部樓層
有冇咩值得介紹, 最好可以私底下可以俾相我睇
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發表於 2010-10-28 23:57:52 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #195 Global511 的帖子

i don't bother , thx tot the internet.. Besides I don't have to go to one single particular shop

i went another one, would wrire report later if i have time
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 樓主| 發表於 2010-11-8 09:05:54 | 顯示全部樓層

陸死X-久久陸-壹路漆漆, 地點在N Cafe隔鄰果座, 柒拾号, TownCenter街

Judy, 中女, 有骨牀, 手骨唔錯, 夠力, 按頭, 推油, 全都做齊, 足鐘, 健談.
$50/hr. 可以加 HJ 或全套.  不過中女唔合我胃口

佢話平時有個廿歲靚妹做 2nd part, 即佢按一小時, 然後靚妹接力, 總共收百二
不過 Judy自已都可以做全套
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發表於 2010-11-8 12:50:39 | 顯示全部樓層
Good info!
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發表於 2010-11-12 19:56:00 | 顯示全部樓層

pure massage

Saw a post on YS for pure massage, Gloria around Finch/McCowan.

64X-999-9 three zero three (not sure if I have to hide number,since this is only pure massage)

She works in the basement of a house, I think her family lives upstairs, as I hear kids noise when I was walking in.
mid 40s?  Fat C9, not good looking (3 or 4 / 10?).  Her massage skills are above average.  She can find all the troubled spots, but
if you are used to deep massage, she might not have enough strength. She climbs on the table and does the lower back fine (I think she uses her fist), but when she was doing the shoulder, her hand wasn't that strong.  At one point in time, she did use her elbow,and that was good, but that only lasted a minute or two.  I say her skills are better than the Stonehill ones,better than Mandy,and comparable to the one who use to work at McCowan/Sheppard condo. Cost is $45/hour,  I gave her $50, and she didn't
offer me change, so bring exact change if you don't want to tip.

Would I repeat?  yes, but not often.
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