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多倫多 多咗幾檔新的 樓上骨

發表於 2009-4-27 09:26:36 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
星島多咗按摩推拿廣告, 尤其是樓上骨, 打电話問過, 全部有 骨床, 六十分鐘, 唔係 R R吓果種
1.偷閑加油站--香港青春 按摩証書專業穴位推筋治療私家整潔   亞紫, 电 xx漆-發路發-玲路玲壹
在125 Bamburgh,   $100 包全套
2. 大姐大--香港骨場技師技術超群服務一流環境高尚 電: xx漆-發漆發- 發玲發發  Hwy7/Warden  $60,
3. 一試難忘--按摩一流舒筋活絡包你滿意xx漆-生死漆-路易生發, 在1580 Sandhurst  $60

4. 正宗按摩--推油踩背,特色按摩舒筋活絡,包君滿意舒泰而回在  xx漆-狗發久-玲玲發路, $50

在 20 Stonehill, 十一樓. 20中至尾,  dup骨不錯, 樣都OK, 覺得比 Alton的SaSa, 125 Bamburgh的甜甜 或 20 Stonehill的Jenny好睇, 身材都比她們好, dup得好有心机, 足60分鐘, dup完後成身舒服哂, 講起佢話剛來多倫多, 現在HK揾食艱難咗, 又有按頭, 又按肚, 最後問洗唔洗出火, 加廿皮.
走時吹多陣水, 問佢著得咁 sexy, 係唔係有全套, 佢話 FS +$50, 即一百.  另外有個partner, 一樣識 dup, 不過未返

(其他續間都會試, 又要揾亞燕, 都會有排忙)

[ 本帖最後由 rtsang88 於 2009-5-3 00:28 編輯 ]


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發表於 2009-4-27 09:42:16 | 顯示全部樓層
what is FS
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發表於 2009-4-27 11:27:43 | 顯示全部樓層
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 樓主| 發表於 2009-4-27 22:24:19 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 eieio168 於 2009-4-27 11:27 發表
I might try the one on Warden & 7!!  多謝師兄!!!

FS ~ Full Service. 全套!!

Bro. if you do try her, please send me her full detail address.
I call her at 11am on Sat with the GPS ready, but she said she is not ready until 12
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發表於 2009-4-28 03:24:09 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 rtsang88 於 2009-4-27 09:26 發表
星島多咗按摩推拿廣告, 尤其是樓上骨, 打电話問過, 全部有 骨床, 六十分鐘, 唔係 R R吓果種
1.偷閑加油站--香港青春 按摩証書專業穴位推筋治療私家整潔   亞紫, 电 xx漆-發路發-玲路玲壹
在125 Bamburgh,   $100 包 ...

thx Big Snake bro for the update!
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發表於 2009-4-28 16:32:30 | 顯示全部樓層
thx for sharing
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發表於 2009-4-28 23:19:30 | 顯示全部樓層
thx for sharing
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發表於 2009-4-28 23:38:49 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 rtsang88 於 2009-4-27 22:24 發表

Bro. if you do try her, please send me her full detail address.
I call her at 11am on Sat with the GPS ready, but she said she is not ready until 12

I will try out later and give you more detail.
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發表於 2009-4-29 06:53:57 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #1 rtsang88 的帖子

I tried No:4 Right bone 5.5/10 $50/hr hj$20 Full set $100
I think she look like 30year old..Room 13X1 the partner look like 40year old same price
But I just like right bone....I want try No:2 C hing U tried B4 ?
Give me some information OK........thank's
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發表於 2009-4-30 01:22:10 | 顯示全部樓層
Call #2 yesterday, full book   ............ will call later this week.
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mikesr 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-4-30 21:10:26 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2009-5-1 02:51:04 | 顯示全部樓層
thanks report
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發表於 2009-5-1 12:36:55 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 raymond957 於 2009-4-29 06:53 發表
I tried No:4 Right bone 5.5/10 $50/hr hj$20 Full set $100
I think she look like 30year old..Room 13X1 the partner look like 40year old same price
But I just like right bone....I want try No:2 C hing U ...

I was there yesterday at 2:30pm...so many 141 brother watched this thread so they were fully booked but still have brother knocking on the door.
I think she's around 28-30 & the partner also around 30...not way 40 la.
It's difficult to find a parking space, remember to call & get their exclusive parking lot number.
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 樓主| 發表於 2009-5-3 10:00:58 | 顯示全部樓層
有冇攪錯, 今日星期六下午, 又會咁好生意,

打比亞燕, 比人book 咗, 两小時後先至得閒,
打比#1 亞紫, 冇人接, voice mail 滿哂, 冇得留message,  
打比#2 大姐大, 今日 fully book, 明天請早.( 可能Warden/Hwy7 附近幾十哩範圍只有佢這一檔)
打比#3, 第一次打又係冇人聽, 半小時後終於聯絡到

地點係紅宝石後面, 一五八零 Sandhurst,  拾樓,  入到去見到佢個 outlook 就唔多想入屋 , 身形有少少 chubby , 30中, 五尺二至三的肥 c9, 大大件, 樣都係 #4好d, 入到房, 乜唔係有骨床咩?  佢話試吓佢d手骨, 推油啦, 包滿意, 骨床係二手貨, 剛爛咗, 已退番, 幾日後會買過另一張.

用mattress dup真 係差d, 個頭一係向左 or 向右, 唔多舒服, 不過佢d手骨就係 very good,  比#4, SaSa, Ruby, Jenny都好少少, 因為佢夠大件, 所以好夠力, dup到我骨到散, 佢話幾日後有骨牀, 可以踩背, 包舒筋活絡, 一小時後問要不要加 services, , 心諗你咁既身材,  唔多想上馬, 冇乜性趣, 加出火啦, 跟住 RPP, 都 R 咗幾耐, 反轉身出火後, 洗完手, 又有十分鐘的按頭及頸, 坐起身再dup多幾野.

感覺佢好 pro, 又盡力, 又有心機.
各位巴打想試, 記得問佢骨牀到咗未? 如果唔受得力, 叫佢輕手d,  

費用: 一小時六十蚊 (可以dup半小時, 四十) , HJ + $10, 全套加四十
回沖率: 如有骨牀 90%

[ 本帖最後由 rtsang88 於 2009-6-8 10:07 編輯 ]
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發表於 2009-5-3 11:32:51 | 顯示全部樓層
Yea, call 大姐大 today, fully book ....................
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發表於 2009-5-11 08:39:44 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #14 rtsang88 的帖子

Today I tried #3 she look 38year old but i don't care C9
I just like right bone.....i think she is in Toronto best of the best (for right bone)
But now not bone bed   She said will buy later..........
Next time i'll try #2
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發表於 2009-5-12 11:43:42 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #1 rtsang88 的帖子

THANKS for info
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發表於 2009-5-13 06:26:11 | 顯示全部樓層
好掛住多倫多呀, 走咗幾年, 原來宜加咁多野玩
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發表於 2009-5-18 08:21:05 | 顯示全部樓層
thx for the report, man....
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發表於 2009-5-19 06:36:04 | 顯示全部樓層
Any C hing tried #2 大姐大?
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