發表於 2011-6-8 17:04:42
man198 發表於 2011-6-8 16:32 
閣下係以整座大廈或者屋苑嚟睇, 當然係 heterogeneous, 但我所指係每個個別物業以不同價格賣比港 ...
That is a very interesting economics question. Please allow me to discuss in English.
From an pure economics point of view, yes, you are correct that all Hong Kong property holders are winner under this policy. Then we should further look into the investors side and the owners side.
From an owner perspective, if I know I can sell 3 times of price of my property to non-residents(NR), I would want to sell it to NR only. Permanent residents(PR) would face supply shortage issue. They would have to bid up the price as well if they want to compete with NR buyers for the same flat. Since PR is bidding up the price close to NR, the price will jump to NR level IF the NR demand is high and can absorb the supply (which is not very likely.)
From an investor perspective, funding would shrink to 1/3 of its purchase power in term of buying HK property. I would only purchase the highest quality real estate, which these estates are on the hands of the richest people in HK already. NR buyers will not pay 12 millions dollar for a 500 sq ft flat in shamshuipo. Furthermore, if residential price become so high by this policy, they might invest in office building, commercial building, car parking space, warehouse, or raw land to avoid this price discrimination yet still enjoying the HK estate market.
From an international investors point of view, I probably invest in other market such as Taiwan, Vietnam or other places that do not have this price control to generate reasonable return for my investment.
從投資者的角度來看,購買力將縮小到1/ 3的。那我只想購買最優質的房地產,這房產些都已在最富有的人手中了。非居民買家將不會支付1200萬買500呎單位深水埗的位。此外,如果住宅價格變得如此之高,他們可能會投資於辦公樓,商業建築,汽車停車位,倉庫或田地來避免這種價格歧視,但仍享受著香港房地產市場。
從國際投資者的角度來看,我可能投資於其他市場如台灣,越南或其他沒有價格控制的地方。 |