發表於 2011-6-14 10:37:17
honchan 發表於 2011-5-13 02:03 
講白D果句, 西醫跟本睇唔起中醫.
文化問題, 實在D既例子, 你去沙宣道遠一遠已經見到極大又靚既醫學院, 入 ...
you are right in 80%, however in some special area, western doctors accepted the Chinese medicine (But not al all).
For eg, In P--H,(I dont like to post the name), one medicine clinical (DM) is using western and eastern co-operative therapy. patient will take Chinese medicine rather than western medicine in poor DM control. Those patient are facing their lower limbs will be amputated situation. If the blood glucose level is poor control, finally they will undergo lower limbs amputation. This is worst.
Another eg is in KWH, the situation is nearlt same.
On the other hand, Chinese medicine is undergoing many research study to proof their effect. But many of thses studies are in Miainland which is not widely accepted in the word. Unless Manipulative and Body massage, it is accepted in Aust, Japan, US.
Another important is Chinese Doctors are not employed by Government, the their development is fully limited. |