發表於 2014-8-19 12:43:59
回復 LasCases #1 的帖子
Just a couple of points. There are other reasons why Chinese take to red wines. First, red in Chinese culture means good luck, happiness, festivity, celebrations etc.; whereas the white colour means, well, funeral matters. Also, we are used to drinking tea, which is full of harsh tannins, and red wine has plenty of that.
Regarding Mainlanders buying into Italian wines and jacking up the prices, I do not see that happening YET. The major EXPENSIVE Italian wines, like Piedmont Monfortino, Super Tuscan Sassicaia/ Masseto, Brunello Soldera/Biondi Santi, Veneto Dal Forno/ Quintarelli, Friuli Miani, their prices have remained fairly steady in the last few years. Well, the Soldera price has gone up a fair bit, but for different reasons: one of his former employees dumped several vintages of his Riserva wines down the drains for revenge, thus there will not be any Soldera from, I think 2006 to 2008.
Anyways, I think us Hong Kongers are too harsh on Mainlanders. Some locals are just as rude, badly behaved, and loud as them. I was once a New Migrant in a foreign country, and despite most Australians were friendly and receptive, it was bad when you met the rare Racist. Please open up your mind, Guys. |