tabooo 發表於 2014-7-28 08:12
那么廠机(hp, compaq, bell...等)会不会比較 hassle free?
I think there are no more scsi hds in the m ...
廠機矛DIY 巧...for a knowledgeable user/builder..It is not the same as Hi Fi. Branded computers are quite junky in general..
SCSI still in the market here in the U.S., consider Hi End. I have a few 10K and 15K RPM SCSI Drives..
Scsi is a bus that works independently from main CPU and if teams up with a hardware cache with own CPU controller, it can burn rubber
IDE type devices such as HD and CD/DVD Drives consume a lot of CPU resources, where SCSI bus works separately from the system even main CPU does not know the existence of any SCSI devices.. It has the abilities to issue it's own commands (multiple tasks and threads, too) without using the main CPU's power.
補充內容 (2014-7-29 03:57):
I had to learn basic computer hardware knowledge just to make a living..LOL..whether I like it or not..
Unlike Hi Fi, it is something I enjoy a lot more.