首先, 師兄部腦主要用泥做乜...上網, 文書處理還是用來打機?
Games machine 一定要快靚正...
Let me know what you use the computer for..I will make recommendations accordingly..
tabooo 發表於 2014-7-23 19:37
I like to buy one solely for CAS
and for some internet information searching and visiting forums ...
There is not much requirements to use the computer for CAS...Solely for storage, A typical computer would do. Would be nice to have a good DAC with USB and connect that to home Hi Fi. 4 gig ram and 1 terabyte or more sata 3 hd (scsi hd would be best, much less cpu overhead..) SSD and good sound card would not be necessary.
Any decent CPU would do, even an I3 or even last generation CPU...