This turntable looks good, nice tonearm with oil damped, one point jewel point, unipivot is my favorite. (bearing-less, what is he talking about?) Could be a problem for typical fans. The weight is light? ?Add another few KG on mounting bracket would be nice. Japanese MC..Just need a good head-amp.
toppas 發表於 2014-5-29 19:18
it was the early last century's toy. good fun to play.
Not at all, this century's tone-arm is a redesign. Good or bad, don't know..This is a high precision, high track-ability, lower mass tone-arm (good idea to use wood to add mass to the arm for MC). Not the most ideal arm with MC cart., nevertheless. Last century's toy to most...This century's high end to audiophiles. My tone-arm went up 5X in value, used.(compared to new)
補充內容 (2014-5-29 22:30):
Use of wood added 2.5X (maybe 10 gram less if used cardon fiber) of mass, which is much better for a cost of LP's life..
".4 dB 的聲道平衡為你帶來寧靜暢快的聆聽體驗。" That has nothing to do with 寧靜,,, 12 in arm, a little hard for typical users to manage. Somebody should hit the writer's pet pet, quite a few mistakes...and this is basic knowledge.
補充內容 (2014-5-29 22:45):
Spherical tip of cartridge usually add wear and tear to the LP, and less high'z..not very good. Shibata tip usually offers the greatest contact, response could be upto 50Khz. Those writers..
"由馬達直接驅動轉盤,則是常見於低價入門唱盤的設計" Originally was the other way around..LOL..just someone well known said belt sounds smoother, a lot followed. Belt driven turn-tables were bottom of the line, inexpensive products weren't used professionally...Maybe the writer is too young to know... One of my old direct drive turn-table I had worth 8,000 USD used, 30 years old. New was about 1,000 back in 1980. Lynn LP12 was cheaper at the time... I had a Lynn, too...