黑膠唱盤依照馬達傳動方式,可以分為直接驅動、皮帶驅動與惰輪驅動三種。在大多數玩家心中,皮帶驅動才是 Hi End 作法,由馬達直接驅動轉盤,則是常見於低價入門唱盤的設計。
以下介紹如何將來自立陶宛的 Jakutis Analog 磁浮唱盤及同廠非常靈活的單點臂,搭配 Kiseki Blue N. S. (New Style) 奇跡唱頭的過程 :
Jakutis turntables are made from high quality materials: stainless steel, bronze, brass, granite, specific woods, processed using the latest technology (cnc machining, plasma coating and others). The selection of all technical solutions is based on the given acoustical requirements. Serious consideration is given to the appearance of the turntable, as a good-sounding turntable must be also be a good-looking object in the user’s home.
The turntable consists of a very heavy table utilizing spherical rubber dampers to support a heavy sub-chassis. The sub-chassis carries a heavy platter as well as the tonearm. This assembly (the tonearm,platter and sub-chassis) constitute a single, independent structure, floating on spherical dampers. A low-power but extremely stable synchronous motor is located on the table and drives the platter via a belt.
Kiseki 奇跡 Blue N. S. (New Style) 動圈唱頭具備精短外觀,主體以鋁合金製作,懸掛式針杆採用固體硼製作,針杆直徑 0.28 mm ,針尖半徑為 5 x 120 μm,帶來精準優越的表現 !
0.12 x 0.12 鑽石針尖採用裸露式接觸結構,表面經歷鏡面拋光處理。唱頭線圈為純鐵,頭重 10 g ,具有 0.44 mV at 5 cm/s 的輸出電壓,内部阻抗為 40Ω,其頻率響應為 20 – 25,000 Hz ± 1 dB,而 0.4 dB 的聲道平衡為你帶來寧靜暢快的聆聽體驗。