The DMA 180 got 60,000uF filtering cap, and good size, but not very big heat sinks. High volume, long hours driving panels might be an issue, but not likely under normal use. It is good stuff, even older ones.
Hmm...DMA 180 clips at about 235 watts (1% distortion) at 8 ohms..not much headroom there..excellent 10khz square wave measurement, identical to input signal, very nice. I would keep the amp, unless there is something way better and not expensive or use as spare amp ..just like me..
"d快聲" Don't mean the same for amps and speakers. Please let me know what 快聲 is to you.
One could refer to speed of the amp, other one could be the response of the speakers..different results, different sound..
Krell and Wilson Audio display place not far away from where I live. I like the newer Alexia. For the money they want now..I guess I am stuck with the Bruce Moore custom design/build tube mono amp for a while, and the speakers..Costed me $500 USD to replace the power tubes..Ack! In the mean time, using my old mono blocks for now as picture shown on the left..4 used (good condition) GE platinum 6550A costed $600 USD. 4 Chinese KT88 is $500 (super premium grade, better than NOS tubes). I know I will love them..Been wanting them for a few months.
KT 88
JA30 推 LS 3/5A some MSG.. easy to suck into the hi fi world...Very present to ears. I guess for what you like..Krell /Wilson not a bad combo.. Anything American, accessible for a demonstration, maybe Japanese too. European gears are little hard.. I never thought of buying any Krell for myself yet, just a matter of taste..I guess.
補充內容 (2014-5-21 07:41):
I listened to the Marantz 8B driving the Rogers LS3/5A..quite good for a bed room.. Only Rogers thought, since my friend's shop carried it. This combo will drive lots of hi fi fans nuts..
"玩靚膽都可能玩到窮" That is for sure.. When I retired from Hi Fi..I sold almost everything except something I love or I can't sell. I have a new wanted list now, but I can't afford them. Only two pre-amps, two amps, speakers, turntable left. Everything else sold!
I want the Sound Lab speakers, but it starts at 20k USD..Wilson not cheaper, both not affordable. I can keep other parts of my system for a long time, if I have to. Speaker system is on top of my wanted list.