Tube amps are easy to design to begin with, no special skills required. I could design basic tube amps when I was in high school . Pretty much no R&D needed. Solid state is much much more complicated and more advanced. U.S is a big country. If made in a remote state, cost of manufacturing could be low because lower labor and land cost. Hi end should never cost this high. Very likely business decisions that made it happen, thanks to the Europeans.
"係咪想先做起個朵"..They been around since the 90s, I think. Some of their amps are not cheap, like mono blocks for 6k USD etc. It offers good values in general though. They already earned their reputation some years back, as far as I know.
My personal opinion is tube pre-amp match with solid state power amp. Tube amps are born handicap at out put stage (out put transformer and none symmetrical/complimentary)and require coupling caps between stages reduced realism of sound reproduction at both end of the spectrum.
I think this deserves to be 精華帖 for introducing a good product. High quality and affordable to our forum members and not just look look.... Lotta pics...Would be better with personal opinions of the thread starter. Thread starter may or may not see although this is low price but this is design/build with heart..hehe. While it uses everyday parts, the circuit layout is clean and dual layer pcb too. That reduced the number of wires/jumpers. A full feature integrated amp with the headphone amp. Only personal opinion, no offense to 版主.. . I know, I know...I am biased when it comes to hi fi.....aren't we all? (meant serious hi fi fans)
補充內容 (2014-3-12 06:03):
I see my Kenwood Lo7T II tuner on one of the pictures, 28th floor.... At least that guy knows what a good tuner is...hehe. I gave up the Marantz 10B for it !