另一個用家須自行調節的,就是四支強放膽的偏圈,發燒友都知,強放膽的grid voltage 高低會影響膽管內電流量,故要各功率膽表現一致,有需要調節各膽的偏壓,步驟簡單, 只要打開機面上的小蓋掩,用附設的一支絕緣專用小棒|插入線路板上的一個小箱,扭動四個小旋鈕,便可以分別調節四支強放管內的偏壓,機面設有一個錶頭,讓用家知道各膽偏壓達標的讀數,方便簡單。
輪到我最喜愛的女聲,Cronus Magnum播唱歌劇天后Maria Callas的多首名曲(Maria Callas the voice of the century),她展現 出人間罕見的超高音域歌喉,高聳入雲,但 絕無高處不勝寒 之弊,反而令人 隨着天后的嘹亮 而情感充沛的聲線,乘風隨雲, 在昇華的意境中,每一根聽覺神經都感受到人聲無限性感。Cronus Magnum 處理女聲,實在美妙,無可挑剔。
Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum真空管合併機規格
●輸出功率:90W x 2 (KT 90) / 55W x 2 (EL 34)
●頻率響應:5Hz - 50kHz
●體 積(H x W x D) : 7” x 19.’ x 14.5"
●參考售價: HK$19,800
Sleek, low profile face plate of the late 70s/80s with tubes on top makes people think it is a hybrid integrated amp, candy to eyes. Excellent reputation plus low price, a very good buy. I like the Tung-Sol KT power tubes, they are usually good.
Standard parts, nice circuit layout with careful design. 12AX7/U7 phone and driver stage plus KT tube is typical. Non dual mono config is somewhat a disappointment. Phone amp is a big plus, nevertheless. While the price is low, I wouldn't call it cheap. This is how much they should cost, others just over priced, handsome cosmetically. It is overall NOT cheaply build and made in U.S.A. too.