買得起既小喇叭PSB Alpha B1,美國兩大天書有以下評語
Stereophile Alpha B1 Review
"I very much enjoyed my time with this unassuming but attractive-looking little speaker. Considering its price, the PSB Alpha B1 is quite extraordinary in its way. Even if not in the market for a cheap mini, audiophiles should buy them for their Bose-owning friends and family, to give those unfortunates more than a taste of what a true highend loudspeaker is capable of."“我很享受這對外表簡約而又有獨特魅力的音箱給我帶來的時光。考慮到它的價格,PSB Alpha B1確實有其非凡過人之處。如果您是發燒友,而您現在並不想買便宜的書架箱,您也應該買一對Alpha B1送給那些在聽Bose的親戚朋友,讓這些不幸的人也嚐嚐真正的Hi-End音箱能夠為他們帶來怎樣的享受。”
TAS - B1 Review
"I can’t remember the last time that a speaker weighing just under 10 pounds dripping wet made me want to listen to so much music. At its humble price, the Alpha B1 is so much more than just a good little speaker - it’s an achievement that borders on the surreal."“我從來沒有試過讓一對重量少於10磅的音箱令自己如此沉醉於音樂之中。 就它的價格來說, Alpha B1遠非一對好書架箱這麼簡單- Alpha B1是一項接近超現實境界的成就。”
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