Stereophile Alpha B1 Review
"I very much enjoyed my time with this unassuming but attractive-looking little speaker. Considering its price, the PSB Alpha B1 is quite extraordinary in its way. Even if not in the market for a cheap mini, audiophiles should buy them for their Bose-owning friends and family, to give those unfortunates more than a taste of what a true highend loudspeaker is capable of."“我很享受這對外表簡約而又有獨特魅力的音箱給我帶來的時光。考慮到它的價格,PSB Alpha B1確實有其非凡過人之處。如果您是發燒友,而您現在並不想買便宜的書架箱,您也應該買一對Alpha B1送給那些在聽Bose的親戚朋友,讓這些不幸的人也嚐嚐真正的Hi-End音箱能夠為他們帶來怎樣的享受。”
TAS - B1 Review
"I can’t remember the last time that a speaker weighing just under 10 pounds dripping wet made me want to listen to so much music. At its humble price, the Alpha B1 is so much more than just a good little speaker - it’s an achievement that borders on the surreal."“我從來沒有試過讓一對重量少於10磅的音箱令自己如此沉醉於音樂之中。 就它的價格來說, Alpha B1遠非一對好書架箱這麼簡單- Alpha B1是一項接近超現實境界的成就。”
「音質」可說是大多數平價喇叭最大的罩門,尤其書架式喇叭基於體型及低頻延伸的限制,更是很難將各種不同自然樂器的音色精準描繪出來。事實上,很多喇叭光是在以人聲為主的「中頻」區段有所表現,就已經相當不容易了,想要把涵蓋頻率範圍寬廣、各種發聲類型樂器都有的古典音樂細細重現,那更是難上加難的超級考驗。不過,PSB這對Alpha B1確實讓人刮目相看,以這張《Classics For Children》的第五首《The Elephant》(大象)為例,左側鋼琴鋪陳圓舞曲的節奏,右側的低音大提琴則奮力拉奏來描寫大象舞動,Alpha B1所發出的飽滿能量力度,確實既迷人又令人讚嘆,完全無法相信是由那麼小巧的音箱所發出來的。其實,這張RCA Living Stereo系列名盤標題的《Classics For Children》(給兒童的古典音樂)並沒有將其內容完全顯示出來,它主要收錄的是《動物狂歡節》與《青少年管弦樂入門》兩段曲目,前者是以各種樂器模擬許多種動物的動作及模樣,後者則是木管、銅管、弦樂組及打擊樂器演奏同一主題的比較,最後還有整個管弦樂團的合奏。整張CD多達44軌,管弦樂團內諸多樂器輪番上場,簧片震動、管壁共鳴、弦樂拉奏與打擊樂器等不同的發聲方式,透過PSB Alpha B1喇叭都能有相當豐富的細節與音色描繪,這意味著此對喇叭的反應速度夠敏捷、發聲頻段內的頻率響應也很均衡,這對於參考售價僅新台幣13,600元的書架式喇叭而言,著實是十分不容易的成就。
Maybe true, I was using some 40 years old so call hi end gear at times.. I never owned small speakers in my life, actually don't have any idea how they sound... I will appreciate your comments on the sound of these speakers.
Would appreciate more comments...hehe..Rogers is the only small speakers that I remember how it sounds, just a bit...and I don't even like that lol....maybe things change after years...Gale speakers are the smallest ones I ever had. That is 51LB a piece..