Not really 搭哂棚. It is mostly wiring to RCA connectors. You see two independent circuit boards? 搭哂棚 won't need them. Remember the Cello pre amp reviewed here...same same...thicker wires used here so it is more noticeable.
The main purpose is to reduce, prevent, avoid resonance..whatever words you wanna use. Resonance occurs at certain low frequency that cause undesired oscillation if the system stores vibrational energy. 講究喔 lol...because people got nothing better to do... It is something that could be corrected easy if knowledgeable, it is simple physics. Using expensive racks/cabinets don't make the system sound better. Just one kinda interference that could make the system sound worst, out of many..
Turn-tables seem to cause most trouble, mechanically..People pay 10X/100X more than they should because it is branded, looks fancy and advertisements. Hope all of us are smart shoppers..hehe.
auraheart 發表於 2014-1-29 14:13
The main purpose is to reduce, prevent, avoid resonance..whatever words you wanna use..resonance o ...
" People pay 10X/100X more that they should becasue it is branded, looks fancy and advertisements." 100% agree what you said. Hope all of us try to be a smart shopper, not a brand shopper. lol~
Thanks for your knowledge.