發表於 2014-1-10 03:56:29
本帖最後由 auraheart 於 2014-1-10 04:22 編輯
張家輝 發表於 2014-1-10 03:53 
即係內部構造越多, 就越耗 energy, 變相亦會越熱 ?
Yes, also depends on how clever the design is..say class A amp 耗 most energy, but it sounds the best. It is a give and take thing. Smart designs are simple and good..
Efficiency (rule of thumb)
Class A amp about 25%
Class AB somewhere between Class A and B
Class B amp about 75%
Class C not used for audio..usually use in communications devices
Class D could be as high as 90%, but I wouldn't expect good sound quality, not now anyway. |