發表於 2013-12-4 11:19:54
本帖最後由 auraheart 於 2013-12-4 11:52 編輯
lomei 發表於 2013-12-4 10:01 
吓, 乜要咁架
Passive radiators aren't bad, better than bass reflex to me. Not too popular cuz it cost more..It depends on how good this sub is to begin with and the cross-over freqency. Say if you set it at 200hz, now it directional..lol..,but in most cases don't matter much... for a sub woofer. In other words, you can place a good sub almost anywhere in room, even in the middle...it is non directional (most would set it at 100hz or below)....lol..no need corners, no need wall..if corners/wall needed, it is called a woofer..
Some newbies like to set it high, cuz it sounds louder, more kickz. It pretty much destroy the sound stage, lol...What they like to hear is not necessary the true sound...Lack of reference or listening experience would cause this miscue.. |