發表於 2013-11-23 09:55:13
本帖最後由 auraheart 於 2013-11-23 10:50 編輯
柒喜 發表於 2013-11-23 09:41 
The 802A horn was used in Model 19s...that particular version sounds a little harsh to me, but later versions were better.
Not funny to deal with driver's number lol...could be confusing. The 604/8K was a Mantaray horn instead of Multi-Cell Horn. Which is more similar to the 802A. Model 19 was top of the line, lol...should be better. The 604/8G is inferior to the Klipsch La Scala to me. It is just a pair of home speakers, no big deal hehe..not antique nor classic. I used to be able to sell them for about $1,000 USD/pair with decent margin.
"我的目標是能有劉顧問府上六七成的聲音表現,那就足夠聽過世矣" That is very PK if a typical hi fi fan thinks this way. These are just average speakers and same goes to model 19. They are not better than AR3a lol...or Dahlquist DQ 10 or Gale GS 401A by far..lol..I only compare to speakers I know the most of the same era, not to mention ESL type, IMHO, and personal taste However, the extreme high range of the latest Atlec horns could please the carrot heads a lot...they would enjoy it, which might kill my ears. I used to listen to the model 17 everyday cuz we had them on display, so PK. |