發表於 2013-11-14 12:05:14
本帖最後由 auraheart 於 2013-11-14 12:39 編輯
hhssbug 發表於 2013-11-14 11:59 
回復 auraheart #62 的帖子
C Hing now get me Sum Yuk Yuk again. Too bad I cannot easily find old D ...
You should be able to...maybe spend more time at second hand hi hi fi stores, even Apliu street. Lotta should remain in HK, dead or alive. Cost me next to nothing, can fight head to head again the famous 8B....and I know older Marantz very very well....(had the 7c/7T, 500 and 510M). and used to sell Marantz Professionally. Anything can stand against the 8B, it is a big compliment, regardless of the result. Today's tube amps, not necessary better. Tube design has not changed much, but part quality aren't as good as before, not they can't make them good, because of the cost. A good tube amp say might cost you 30K HKD, not necessary better, for example. Dyanco is not king, but I can't think of anything better and cheaper LOL.. |