"皮光滑淨的801 S2連原廠腳架和Active EQ,贖身價兩雞,一開聲,不得了!聽音半個多鐘,腦海全是家中能擺放嗎?家中功放能推嗎?"
For real? It is a pair of good speakers alright, but not great (too pricey) and got it's pros and cons..Plenty of speakers are better.. at least at the same price range. Did not even make top 12 of TAS all time..hehe.
贖身價兩雞 is not bad if good condition...I say the S2 is better than M and S3.
"在人聲小提琴的柔順度耐聽度所謂的“音樂味”上S2仍小胜S3的,而這種“音樂味”正是一些老燒友孜孜追求的" Exactly why I like S2 better..
補充內容 (2013-11-11 12:12):
ShXXXt ! The Dynaco ST 70 rated all time #1 amp by TAS, how is this possible? I gave that to my brother in law and he still got it...SoB ! Freaking Audio Research d150 was #3, Mac 2275 #4, Marantz 8B/9 was tied for #6 Think Mr. 7up's old Krell was #5 or was it the 100? lol..
I can see all the editors picked ST70 as top choice, but why? lol...link below: (One with rankings on PDF file lol..) http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_509d99660100r62l.html