( This can be avoided by projecting the sound from each speaker against a curved surface which acts as a convex lens for the sound and directs it more strongly to the side opposite the speaker than it does to its own side. The convex refractor thus eliminates the sharp axis of symmetry where the slightest movement of the listener is so disturbing - Richard Ranger.)
中音單體用的375驅動器同樣也是JBL早期的珍品( 1979年改為376, used a new diamond pattern suspension for extended response. ),前身來自於幫WE設計的T530A,四吋的振膜加上二吋的喉管,擁有高效率與低失真的優異特性,搭配使用的是H5038P-100橢圓號角。 另一方面,裝設在前載號角底端的075環狀輻射高音,會對著中央聆聽者Toe in,讓立體音像的輪廓更顯鮮明。分音器型號是LX5與N7000,分頻點設在500Hz及7kHz。
Don't know much about this speaker system Only listened to it a few times back in the 70s. JBL NMCOT..hehe. Just remember broken pieces..
Horn loaded speakers hurts my ears....
sl1 發表於 2013-11-1 08:07
I wish I had a flat that can accommodate this kind of speaker.
I am living in a flat now...I can't accommodate those.. Guess I could, if really wanna,haha..I won't anyway. Those speakers torture me..lol...good way to quit hi fi if listening to those everyday....when it comes to horn loaded speakers, people love it or hate it ! Had a pair of horn loaded Wharfedale in the early 80s. Tortured me for a couple of months til I had a buyer..