試聽312的過程都在U-Audio編輯部,如果以價格來說,讓312搭配Linear Acoustic LAV-60 MKII綜合擴大機應該不錯,經濟又實惠,100瓦的輸出功率,足夠把312推得震天響。可是代理商為了充分發揮312的功力,送來更高檔的LAV IV MKII與LA-100M單聲道後級,這兩部是Linear Acoustic的最新力作,一樣是追求「黃金第一瓦」的超低失真,而且功率越大,失真越低。LAV-100M輸出功率有多大?8歐姆負載250瓦,4歐姆增加為330瓦,用這麼強大的功率來驅動312,真是痛快淋漓。聆聽時使用的訊源主要是MacBook Air搭配Lindemann USB DAC。
I am very interested to know what kinda material the tweeter use. If it is a 振膜 design, how can they keep the impedance up with out a transformer?? Looks similar to Decca and Ess design without the cow lol...they must be doing something right. Also 87db is very low for a good bass reflex enclosure, maybe it is on purpose? Would love to find out, but no such info of the drivers on web in Chinese or English yet.