樓主 |
發表於 2012-12-5 16:06:29
CX838 發表於 2012-12-5 14:52
回復 alfredku #90 的帖子
I cannot explain why exactly as I am not the FAA. However, I do know that ...
It's the same for me that I am unable to explain your query properly as I am not the airline nor law regulatory personnel.
Actually, the situation is different in different countries and technology is advancing.
Today you cannot do this and tomorrow you can.
Would you mind to show me the link about "the FAA did release a statement saying that they are in the process of reviewing this law"?
Do you refer to the below article for the news about FAA reviewing the law?
FAA reconsiders ban on passenger electronics (Mar 19th 2012)
http://www.slashgear.com/faa-rec ... ectronics-19218976/
But your article is more recent!?
Emirates airlines allows passengers to use mobile phones in-flight(Oct 9th 2012) |