樓主: entry1

七八十後「高薪族」 月薪三萬三有車樓

 樓主| 發表於 2012-7-1 20:33:47 | 顯示全部樓層

答完你既問題唔係叫你消失, 上面都話左歡迎你作"洗版式"以外既討論,

你講得出既說話, 人就有權質疑, 對吧. 有時說話吹大左, 唔緊要啦, 網上唔會同你去求真, 死撐到最後, 越講越亂, 何必呢!!

你上面話"speak to anyone in a bank or brokerage firm or a property agent and see how good they feel about their employment now.", 咁我比D報導你睇, 你又轉口話佢地擔心份工, 樓就無得升, 樓升跌係後話, 你既立場變左WOR

97時, 我同意你話個個用盡分毫去買樓, 今日, 有壓測架, 銀行一般借7成, 收租借5成, 點同97比呢? 你想用盡分毫都唔得啦

Q1: 低息係一個主因, 印銀紙後熱錢流入亦係原因, 但咁又如何? 市場就係市場, 單單低息同97既10%息比已贏晒啦, 現實市場唔係書本上既理論, 你係市場上咁耐點過架? 一隻垃圾股, 經大行吹捧可升到無人信, 一隻好股可以比人亂出報告夾埋做瓜左, 你服唔服都係要接受

Q2: 香港成果, 我上面都講左, 海嘯之後既返生, 係一種成果, 但唔係對任何人都岩, 我講過, 上層人仕確係分到, 加人工分花紅, 你身居高職你話你無咩?? 相反,低下層確係分唔到D咩,  我原文係咁寫既"你既擁有靚樓靚車, 應該係高收入一群人, 近年絕對地分享到香港成果, 因為近年人工兩極化, 高既越高, 低既越低, 除非你唔係啦", 好明顯係對住你講WOR, 你分享唔到?  民生, 坦白講, 我真係唔係好CARE, 亦唔到我CARE,
你之前講既HARD WORKING我係同意既, 但HARD WORKING既同時都要食腦, 地球資源有限, 個個都話HARD WORKING咪一樣唔夠分, 你既心態唔係唔好, 但絕對唔係金融界內日夜殺戮戰場上既心態, 所以我一開始就質疑你所講,

我下次都唔回覆你啦, GOOD LUCK!!
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發表於 2012-7-1 21:24:17 | 顯示全部樓層
entry1 發表於 2012-7-1 20:33
答完你既問題唔係叫你消失, 上面都話左歡迎你作"洗版式"以外既討論,

你講得出既說話, 人就有權質疑, 對 ...

我无转口喔 - "speak to anyone in a bank or brokerage firm or a property agent and see how good they feel about their employment now."  --> 意思系叫你问吓边个broker/banker/经纪 觉得自己份工好安全。我较早前一直系话香港经济唔好 or 无楼市升值讲得那么好喔。

in 1997, the situation was excessive lending at high interest rates - bubble popped as soon as market stopped going up.  property price didnt even have to drop 因为D人根本供都供唔起。

now, the situation is that rates is exceptionally low.  when hibor is at 0.25%, banks are happy to take 1.5% margin to lend at 1.75% (earlier it was 0.75% margin for 1% mortgage rate).  the bubble wont pop now.  but it will pop when rates go up -- either shock up rapidly or creep up slowly :

1) rates slowly go up - mortgage ratio will rise from the current 50% of household income to 55% to 60% etc etc.  this will achieve soft landing.

2) if there is a crisis -- ie a major bank fails, Hibor goes to 5% overnight and people's mortgage payment goes up by 50% - average mortgage payment becomes 80-90% of household income.

it is only a matter of time that either scenario happens.

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發表於 2012-7-2 07:42:54 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 nicholasnick 於 2012-7-2 07:44 編輯

Reading briefly from the above post (Sorry but I am not going to argue with both parties), as personally i think 香港成果 for the past couple of years only applies to:

1) People who have properties, as compared from 2007 to now, it has raised at least 40%.

2) Because of this, investors are simply getting richer by selling their properties or even paid up already since the rent has risen rapidly.

3) As a post late post 80s, I don't see any advantages to us-not only the starting salary is exceptional low--around 10k but the high rise of property rise simply doesn't help. Although we can't compare the inflation rate from the property market but rising 40% in these couple of yrs means it is difficult for us to get onto the property leader. As most of the income from the government comes from selling land every year, so obviously the government does not want to price of land to go cheap.

A clear example of this comes from the Land auction last time in Tsuen Wan TW 7---when the price of land is too cheap--the government will take it back.

4) Majority of people who become rich in HK (assets rise) comes from the property market-so unless u have a property to get hold of, u can't be rich. FACT.
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發表於 2012-7-2 08:04:17 | 顯示全部樓層
Sorry to jump in again but I want to clarify from a late post 80s perspective.....In relation about whether HARD WORK and GOOD INVESTMENT can give you the down payment of buying a property...

I personally think YES, you need both, as a recent graduate and I have a business myself , I have actually been working for nearly 8 years...As just put in a down payment for my first property here in UK, I found myself that IF i didnt work HARD and investment, and obviously as every business, u have to be very flexible and to know the market well then it is very difficult to get a downpayment.
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發表於 2012-7-2 08:14:55 | 顯示全部樓層
devil666red 發表於 2012-6-28 23:50
seems that she is ren ...

Cheapest entry to The Arch 550SQ would cost at least 8.5M.....so I dont think she can even be called as 高薪族....as IF earning 30-50K...u can't really afford to buy a 8.5M apartment....If she is 26 years old...
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發表於 2012-7-2 08:18:05 | 顯示全部樓層
devil666red 發表於 2012-6-28 23:55
Disposable income determines!!

If u earn $25k & need not pay any pocket$ to parents, $25k = quite ...

Yes, 20-30K may sounds A LOT if u don't have to save up money/repayment for your apartment... Take an example of an average house price in HK--around 6200HKD  per sq--6200x700SQ= 4.3M so you would need around 1.2M for your down payment...

So if u earn 20k a month....a yr would be...24k....u would need nearly 5 yrs (that's if u don't spend 1 dollar) to save up 1m...

so it depends what perspective u take as whether 20k a month is enough or not...
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發表於 2012-7-2 08:23:29 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2012-7-2 11:35:08 | 顯示全部樓層
The functions of a property do not only remain with dwelling and investing: but also.......


(公屋)女朋友帶你返屋企食飯…伯母問你住邊…我住公屋 ka…天水圍…天耀村呀…

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呢成餐飯…你會有飯食…不過冇肉食 (俗稱無餸飯)…成餐飯伯母唔會再有野問你…話之你乜大學畢業…食完飯…伯母會大聲叫…女...送客…

(居屋 未補地價)女朋友帶你返屋企食飯…伯母問你住邊…我住居屋ka…不過未補地價…不過就買…早年老豆老母買落…都叫自己物業…算係咁la…

(居屋 已補地價)女朋友帶你返屋企食飯…伯母問你住邊…我住居屋 ka…600呎到la…早年老豆老母買落...已補地價…叫自己物業lor…算係咁la…好過住公屋…好過租人樓…遲D一定會換私樓…外母會話你有志氣又叻仔…因為你已有物業…唔係9 up … 能換到私樓既機會係有…

(私樓 老豆老母買落)女朋友帶你返屋企食飯…伯母問你住邊…我住私樓 Ka…雖然響將軍澳…早年老豆老母買落…不過已經供完係自己物業…成餐飯…會好開心…好溫韾…伯母又會好欣賞你父母當年買樓既決定…

(私樓 自己買)女朋友帶你返屋企食飯…伯母問你住邊…我住私樓 Ka…九龍站上蓋…幾年前樓價低果時自己買落…雖然要供(3成首期)…不過供完之後係自己物業…
成餐飯…你會好開心…好溫韾…你會好似多左個老母咁…伯母又會好欣賞你幾年前樓買樓既決定…呢餐飯…有飯食之餘又有魚有雞脾食  …外母笑容由心裡笑出…因為個女可以搵到個有樓之剩又搵到個叻仔…話之你有乜學位有乜沙紙…有樓最緊要…

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