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[菲律賓] 5 days in Angeles City, Philippines

發表於 2012-7-6 13:05:25 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
場所種類: 酒吧
名稱: 5days 4nights in Angeles City, Philippines
消費: $700~$999
本帖最後由 cn23cn23 於 2012-7-6 13:05 編輯

Location: Angeles City, Philippines
Bars: More than I can remember

As most bro might have noticed from my old reports that my appetite has only been within the confine of Japanese/ Korean/Chinese girls but ever have I reach out for the tropical area for pleasure until this time where my friends invited me to go along. My Korea friends have always been talking about this place Angeles City ever since their first visit last year and highly recommended it to me. So being an explorer that i am, i went along with them for a 5days trips to experience whats so special about this place...

Flight from HK to Clark airport only took 1.50hrs and from airport to hotel is around 10mins by taxi. The hotel I stayed in is called ABC Hotel with a rate of USD105 per night. The hotel/room are really decent, at least a 5stars grade imo in term of faculties and looks. I met up with my friends after getting settled and then off we go to our destination, Field Ave.



There are probably 50+ bars in this street alone. We had a quick walk down the street to get a sense on what its like and I get why my Korean friends recommended this place over China.. The whole street is filled with Koreans and all the girls standing outside the bars are yelling "OppaOppa" in Korean. From my observation during this trip, I think the 50% of visitors are Korean, 40% westerner, and 10% Japanese.
After a quick tour down the street, the barhopping journey began.. my friends had some recommended bars so we start with them first. The setup for all the bars there are quite similar where girls take turn dancing on the stage. Similar to this video
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Once the girls get off the stage, you can tell the Mamasan who you like and they will arrange the girl to  sit with you. The system is like this
Drinks: 60-70peso ~ 13HKD
Lady Drinks (Buying drink for the girl sitting with you): 150peso ~ 27HKD
Barfine: Short Time (1Q): 1000-1500peso ~280HKD
Barfine: Long Time (over night) 2000-3000peso ~560HKD

Each bar has around 30-40 girls at a time with around 10% "eatable" ratio so finding your cup of tea will take some works. To me, i had the most success in this bar called Agasya which is run and owned by a Korean. Most of the girls in this bar are eatable for me and it didn't take long before I found a girl I like. The routine after that is really standard, you chat with the girl for a while and then ask her if shes willing to ST/LT with you and if yes, she will get change and you can take her to do whatever you wanna do.

My gal for this first night attracted me with her D cup boobs (99% of girls there are A-B cup only) so just the boobs play alone is enough to satisfy me. My friends weren't able to find the girls of their choice in Agasya so we started to barhop again together with my gal until all my friends landed their partner for the night. We all had dinner together and a few more drinks before returning to hotel for further actions! The rest are quite standard made out> bathed together> I asked for body massage during bath but she said she don't know how.. so i was kinda disappointed > made out again after bath and finish off 1Q> Sleep> Morning Q. I don't have much to write about her as we don't seems to have the spark. I sent her off with an extra 500peso as tip in after the morning Q and off I went for golfing.

Second night: We head off to Agasya bar again at 7pm after a good foot massage. After a few rounds of girl dances, I picked up my second girl in this bar. She has a good body figure with slim 41" legs and a shy smile. All of us got the girls of our desire in Agasya this time so all of us went straight for dinner. As the group start to bond together slowly, my gal starts to get more and more talkative in a wide range of topics during dinner. Suddenly she asked if I want 3P with her real elder sister and my friend and I were skeptical if she's her blood related sister. Of course, for me, I wouldn't mind 3P'ing especially if they are real sister!! So my girl called her sis and I anxiously waited for my second pair of boobs for tonight. The surprise finally came and there is no doubt they are real sisters as they look exactly alike, like a twin. I of course am delighted by then just by thinking about the surrounding moaning voices I will have on bed later that night! Dinner go on as usual with me hugging both sisters side by side while busy grabbing a boob on one hand and ass on the other. Around 11pm is when we started to return to hotel to start my fun night. We chatted and made out abit on the bed before bathing. The elder sister is less as talkative and more shy than her younger one so it is pretty much the younger one dictating the tempo of actions. During bath, both sis cleaned me thoroughly where the younger sis gave me a good 5 mins submarine BJ. After the shower, I asked the sisters to make out by themselves while i watch, but they kindly refused so I didn't insist. Given that the sisters don't really play with each other so I demanded them to play on me instead... a long series of body licking and BJ while i finger their pussies and I know that i am about to cum  and i asked for 口爆 but the sisters refused again, Shit!! So it leave me no choice but to waste my drops on the young sis's boobs.. We went for a shower after that and rest for awhile before the next round.. After an hour or so of rejuvenation, i know i am ready for another round with them.. so on I go with the usual of BJ/licking/ kissing and I alternate fuck between the sisters,, but still the interaction between them are absence so i was kinda disappointed. Anyway, the standard routine of changing a few positions and i finished off my 2Q with the elderly sister in missionary position. We cleaned up and went straight to bed afterward. The next morning around 9ish, the sisters woke me up saying that they have to leave for this body examination?! so I just tip them and went back to sleep (Later i found out that each working girls there  are mandatory to do a body check each week in order to renew their "working" licenses).. The day go up with me chilling in the hotel doing nothing.

Third day: At 7ish, we arrived to our first hopping destination Agasya again.. Due to the third straight visits we had, most of the girls there know us always (the girls share stories/details about each of their customers extensively) so we can all tell that they are talking about us when they whisper to each other on the stage. The girls I had in first 2 nights were on the stage as well and they shyly smiled back when we had eye contact. The dances go on until the 4th round of girls before I picked the one. The girl i picked this time has a killer smile and playful.


She had the best GF experience among all so I pretty much know I will pick her again in the remaining days (which i did :)). The rest of the night were the same with us barhopping until everyone of us got a  partner for the night. A quick description of my gal, shes 20,around 5'3, B-C cup, really good ass!!, smooth skin (not that common among Philippians). I knew that i would have alot of fun with her on bed and she didn't disappoint! She is so sensitive that she can wet herself just with me kissing her chin/nipples, and i didn't let this chance go to waste by performing the 加藤鷹絕學 I practiced for years until she squirt. It is really self satisfying to be honest to make a "working" girl squirt like she did. With her naturally juicy pussy and nice ass, the sex part can't get any better. She likes to take the driver seat which i don't mind and I finished with her riding on me in just one position. Because I knew that i will be having her for the next few days, so i didn't push myself for a 2Q in that night and went to bed directly.

Fourth days: Woke up around 12 and order in room breakfast to regain some energy before the morning Q. After that, we went to the SM Mall (the only shopping mall in that area) to get her a swimsuit and we pretty much spent the rest of the day in the pool drinking and chatting. Being as playful as she is, she kept on rubbing my little brother in the pool to a point that all my friends noticed me having a boner and all their girls followed suit. Really enjoyable time if you can imagine! Around 6pm, I go back to Ayasya with my gal to find her mamasan.. I paid her 8,000peso tips included to get my gal to stay with me til I leave the next day. The night went on as usual with good drinks and fucks.

Last day: Standard busy with a morning Q, but with extensive usage on my little bro in the past days, I literally feel pain when she bang on top of me.. with multiple tries and effects, I just called it done as i know that i don't have anything left inside   
The day went on with us laying on the bed until its about time for my flight home. Being as GF feel as she is, she accompanied me to the airport before leaving and I gladly paid her another 5,000peso as tips before i sent her off with a long Good Bye kiss.

Overall, a really enjoyable trip for me. The Philippians do bring a different favor than Korea/Japan/China girl. So if any bro is bored with eating White chocolate all the time and would like to try some Dark chocolate taste, Angeles City can be a good destination for you!

補充內容 (2012-7-9 10:14):

補充內容 (2012-7-9 10:15):


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發表於 2012-7-6 15:32:46 | 顯示全部樓層
Nice and detailed report, good job C hing!
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發表於 2012-7-6 16:23:09 | 顯示全部樓層
very nice, thanks for detailed report  
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發表於 2012-7-6 16:42:11 | 顯示全部樓層
nice trip! can't wait to get there
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發表於 2012-7-6 17:49:27 用手機發表 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2012-7-6 17:52:56 用手機發表 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2012-7-6 18:28:01 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2012-7-6 19:59:26 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2012-7-6 23:09:20 | 顯示全部樓層
好, 好detail 報告
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發表於 2012-7-7 00:21:24 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2012-7-7 01:34:36 | 顯示全部樓層
nice job ching
making it out several days in a row is enviously for us old guys
you last one with GF feel looks really good
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發表於 2012-7-7 01:58:50 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 cn23cn23 #1 的帖子

Thanks for your detailed report !!
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發表於 2012-7-7 03:25:45 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2012-7-7 04:08:14 | 顯示全部樓層
nice detailed report, I didnt been to AC long time ago and yea ABC hotel is the best there so far.  As for the girls, they all speaks english which is the positive part comparing to their thai sisters.  But as for looks, thai girls are better in most of the case.  thanks for the detailed report
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發表於 2012-7-7 04:28:41 | 顯示全部樓層
thank you for the detailed report, it sounded like a lot of fun in angeles city, did you get a chance to travel outside the bar area, I heard the girls outside are less professional and less use.  Go try amateur next time you will have more fun.
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-7-7 23:08:55 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 fremont #17 的帖子

I didn't have a chance to visit other places beside the bar street but I will surely go visit other area in my next trip. Actually, one of my friend found himself a GF who worked as Sales in the SM Mall and from what he expressed the regular girls are really enjoyable and fun on bed as well.
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發表於 2012-7-8 01:44:16 | 顯示全部樓層
Very detailed report
Good job ching
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發表於 2012-7-8 14:57:24 | 顯示全部樓層
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