'Rain' 正面的訊息蔓延自己的心靈,感受到大自然愛的旋律和歌中帶來的訊息........希望與大家分享這首舊歌。
Jose Feliciano 生於Puerto Rico,七歲移居美國,童年他開始了他的演奏手風琴的音樂生活,直到他的祖父給了他一把吉他,深愛音樂的他,每天聽音樂14小時,最愛50年代搖滾唱片集,聽古典吉他彈奏者的音樂,聽爵士音樂.....等。17歲的他放棄學業,到 Detroit 克服命中的失明障礙當樂師,被RCA賞識,開始音樂生涯,他不斷有音樂專集出版,包括英文,西班牙文,吉他音樂 .........。
Jose Feliciano 這位天生永久失明 (出生時由於先天青光眼) 的音樂天才,多次巡迴世界各地表演瘋魔萬千國際樂迷!他亦曾多次來港舉行個人演唱會。Jose以勇氣克服生命中的失明障礙,不管自己跟別人有多大的差異,他仍樂觀積極奮鬥面對一切,常以愉快的心情來開自己失明的玩笑,他靠著樂觀開朗和永不放棄堅毅的精神去衝破逆境,走出黑暗與寂寞,他積極奮鬥的精神深深地值得我們每個人學習和敬佩尊重 !
Rain.......by Jose Feliciano
Listen to the pouring rain
Listen to it pour,
And with every drop of rain
You know I love you more
Let it rain all night long,
Let my love for you grow strong,
As long as we're together
Who cares about the weather?
Listen to the falling rain,
Listen to it fall,
And with every drop of rain,
I can hear you call,
Call my name right out loud,
I can hear above the clouds
And I'm here among the puddles,
You and I together huddle.
Listen to the falling rain,
Listen to it fall.
It's raining,
It's pouring,
The old man is snoring,
Went to bed
And he bumped his head,
Couldn't get up in the morning,
I'm just a gypsy who gets paid
For all the songs that I have played
And all the records that I have made
I'm part of a caravan
I have travelled on the land
Making music for my fellow man
And every song I played or wrote
With a sad or happy note
Some are made to make you laugh
Some are made to make you cry
I don't know the reason why
But I'll continue to travel
Though my guitar's old and tiring fast
She just listens to me
Her music means more to me than any other woman I have known
She just listens to me
Her music means more to me than any other woman I have known
And I'll continue to travel though my guitar's old and tiring fast
She just listens to me
Her music means more to me than any other woman I have known
She just listens to me
Her music means more to me than any other woman I have known