Congrats to China from a Singaporean whose grandad came from Chaoshan region. My fellow Singaporeans and I are loyal to our nation and at the same time have affection for mainland China. China wants peace and it is the US that resorts to bluffing their own people by very carefully crafted words to give a false picture of other nations, ridiculously so. We are educated people, think deeper and realize how wrong this is. US has done a wantonly unkindly act to CIVILIANS in Hiroshima n Nagasaki. But when compare what happened in NanJing, and what the Jap had done to the Asian Countries, that is justifiable!
糖糖 發表於 2012-6-13 01:41
China air force 2012 中国空军 一飞惊天
I agree what you said except the last sentence.
US had done a wonderful job bombing Fxxking Japan! Now is our turn to kill some Jap and take back our lands!!
Narhhy 發表於 2012-6-13 02:00
I agree what you said except the last sentence.
US had done a wonderful job bombing Fxxking Japan ...
US has done a wantonly unkindly act to CIVILIANS in Hiroshima n Nagasaki. But when compare what happened in NanJing, and what the Jap had done to the Asian Countries, that is justifiable!