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[相機 / 配件推介] D4防塵防水滴…還防熊?

發表於 2012-5-26 16:51:28 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 ericleejp 於 2012-5-26 16:52 編輯


最近攝影師Andrew Kane寫了一段記述自己的驚險奇遇的文章,當他將之張貼於論壇上,就馬上就成為了風靡各大攝影網的趣聞。事緣於Kane帶著他剛剛到手的D4到野外拍攝,並把D4裝設了於三腳架上準備拍攝,冷不防一隻灰熊已到達了離他十米之距。他只得以肩托著連腳架的D3退避,但當他要穿過一堆林木,便發覺很難人機兩存,只得作出一個痛苦的決定:在「要機定要命」的兩難下,始終不值得為了一部D4而死! Kane就這樣放下了這部連著腳架的D4,而此刻,灰熊也終於停了下來,卻不是因為牠發現Kane不好吃,而是因為牠盯上了D4和腳架!



"So, I just got my D4 yesterday. Attached it to the 600VR today here in yellowstone and went out shooting. I was hiking back into the woods after a coyote when I heard some teeth popping, and a growl. A grizzly stepped out of the brush about 35 feet from me. I started backing up with the tripod and camera over my shoulder as the bear continued to walk towards me. I got to a pile of logs that I was afraid I would trip over if I tried to lift the tripod over it. I thought to myself, screw it, the gear is insured and it's not worth dying for. I left the gear and backed up to about 75 yds. when the bear stopped to sniff the tripod. I had my D700 and 70-300VR over my shoulder so I started to shoot. What I saw before me made me want to cry. The bear stood up, pushed the tripod over with one paw, then proceded to gnaw on it and jump up and down on it. I left the area, went back to my car, waited an hour, then hiked back into the woods to retrieve what was left.

I got there and the gear was covered in mud, and slobber. The hoods were off of the 600, the padding on the tripod was ripped to shreds. I couldn't see if there was any damage to the gear, because it was so muddy. When I got back to the apartment, I looked at the front element and there was a perfect nose print on it. I cleaned everything up, and apart from a tooth mark on the battery cover of the D4, a few scratches to the lens hoods, and the knobs chewed off of the wimberly, everything seemed ok. The tripod, was not so lucky. I am not sure if it was a result of chewing, or stomping, but the carbon fiber was splintered and broken. I took some test shots with the camera and lens and everything is still in perfect focus and calibration. I cannot belive after a hard fall, and a mauling by a 500lb grizly, that everything still works.

The good thing was that I was ok, got out of there safe, and even though I had bear spray, I think Imade the right decision to leave the gear instead of risking trying to haul it out with me and fall down crossing logs.

And now, for the pics!

Hey, whats this?"

From D4


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發表於 2012-5-26 18:01:37 | 顯示全部樓層
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-5-26 18:06:23 | 顯示全部樓層
lomei 發表於 2012-5-26 18:01
D4咁吸引, 連灰熊都吸引住

Or he is a cannon user wor
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發表於 2012-5-26 18:08:07 | 顯示全部樓層
ericleejp 發表於 2012-5-26 18:06
Or he is a cannon user wor

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發表於 2012-5-26 18:36:48 | 顯示全部樓層
ericleejp 發表於 2012-5-26 16:51

最近攝影師Andrew Kane寫了一段記述自己的驚險奇遇的文章,當他將之張貼於論壇上 ...

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發表於 2012-5-26 20:51:46 | 顯示全部樓層
回應 ericleejp #1 的帖子

偷影灰熊裸體相 當然俾其追瘦
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發表於 2012-5-26 21:42:39 | 顯示全部樓層

跟本佢預早放好腳架連 D4,企埋一邊等影灰熊點搞野!

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發表於 2012-5-30 22:19:42 | 顯示全部樓層
raymond 168 c hing,果然心水清
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發表於 2012-5-30 22:39:45 | 顯示全部樓層
回應 adolfchoy #8 的帖子

waiking c-hing,thanks for your points
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