Panasonic 正式發表新款M 4/3鏡頭LUMIX G X VARIO 12-35mm F2.8 ASPH. POWER OIS,此鏡頭自2012 CP+現身以後一直備受矚目,等效焦距相當於 24-70mm屬於實用的標準變焦鏡頭焦段,最大F2.8恆定光圈,並搭載 POWER OIS 光學防手震,採用松下獨特的奈米鍍膜,可減少鬼影與耀光現象,加上防塵防滴的特性,在微光與戶外場景的拍攝上有更大的彈性。
X 12-35mm F2.8 同時也是M 4/3系統首款大光圈標準變焦鏡,體積輕巧約67.6×73.8mm ,重量只有305克,鏡頭結構 9 組 14 枚, 最近對焦距離為0.25m,並採用內變焦的設計 ,對焦時流暢安靜,錄影當中不會受到干擾。 新鏡預計六月下旬上市,目前訂價為12萬4950日元,與 LUMIX G VARIO 7-14mm 的訂價相當,有興趣的網友們可以推測一下上市後的售價。
X 12-35mm F2.8 POWER O.I.S.特點
M 4/3系統
X 12-35mm 等效焦距 24-70mm
最大恆定光圈 F2.8,最小光圈22
鏡頭結構9 組 14 枚,4片非球面鏡片、一枚特殊超低色散鏡片UED 、一枚超高折射率鏡片UHR
鏡頭體積 67.6×73.8 mm,重量約305克
The price is closed to Nikon f/2.8 standard zoom lens.
But the glass size of FX lenses is much larger than m4/3, the price of m4/3 should be much cheaper too....
125K yen for a zoom is a price for professional users, what is the marketing tactic of Pana? want to push m4/3 into the professional users market?
The price would make more sense if it was an equivalent NEX or X-PRO 1 lens. There is also no professional m4/3 camera at present, not even the M5 which Olympus has explicitly denied to be a pro model.
I expect the price to drop soon after the initial feeding frenzy. And Panasonic may have also factored in a continuously strong JPY or weak USD.