本帖最後由 momomo1997 於 2012-4-2 21:36 編輯
去旅行為求食餐好,想加點趣味性,可以去主題餐廳:女僕 cafe 靚女送飯、醫院餐廳俏護士熱情款待、貓貓狗狗餐廳盡顯愛心。偏偏有人玩重口味,千隻惡鬼纏身陪食,真是食完背脊骨落。
朱古力之國比利時,理論上舉國上下都好 sweet,偏偏有間叫 House of 1,000 Ghosts 的餐廳,大玩重口味。餐廳位處樹林裡,外面雜草叢生,裡面的佈置陰深恐怖,牆上刻滿鬼樣,天花掛上老式吊燈,幽暗的氣氛令人毛骨悚然。
食物方面,也配合餐廳整體特色,餐牌中有腦漿批 (mud pie) 等食品,樣子也做到十足似腦漿。餐廳內的侍應也不可小看,他們會扮成吸血僵屍和魔術師,在顧客之間遊走,更會有拜祭儀式的舞蹈表演。只可惜 House of 1,000 Ghosts 在 2008 年已閉門大吉,現時已廢棄的餐廳,可作探靈之用,今年萬聖節不妨試試鬼老式探靈。
Posed by costumehub.
This Belgium restaurant had a theme meant to creep people out and was abandoned in 2008. T’Spookhuys Restaurant/Bar is also known as House of 1,000 Ghosts and an occult bar. This bizarrely spooky restaurant had a menu to make you shiver as well as a mummy’s lounge. It had served “mud pie” to be eaten out of a skull, featured rattling chandeliers, smoke pumped down from the ceiling and moving paintings. Entertainment had performances from transvestite Draculas and cameos with illusionists and devil-worshiping dancers. People dined in hell and had drinks at the occult bar. It’s rumored that there were satanic rituals held upstairs, leaving angry spirits to roam the premises. This is Spookhuis in Belgium, rarely photographed as there are few urban explorers who are brave enough to enter the haunted restaurant.
陰深恐怖的 House of 1,000 Ghosts。
House of 1,000 Ghosts 已在 08 年關門大吉,希望日後舉行探靈團,可以撈一筆。
這個吧枱,有點哈利波特 feel。
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