發表於 2012-4-22 12:37:50
本帖最後由 ong9derek 於 2012-4-23 12:15 編輯
JC 君 發表於 2012-3-29 21:47
如果你不是居住在東九龍而知哪裡是龍珠商場,那原因大概只有一個,你大概三十上下,是遊戲機漫畫閃卡或模型之 ...
我猜我大概在84年龍珠3 樓集郵社用2/3元買了PRC 81 年㺅年8分四方連。這四方連去年的拍賣價大概七萬多hkd. 哈哈,這是我對此商埸的最大記憶。
Sorry my Chinese writing pad is not working well this morning n I wish that you dun mind my finishing the rest in English.
Now looking back : Crystal clear the shop owner Was actually tearing 70k hongkie from a stack of millions haha!!
Thanks for your truthful and detailed sharing of this thread. It greatly reminds of the things I was aware of - long lost memory. N you also enlighten me something new as well.
Basically I suspect that we are pretty much the same age +/- 1 to 2 years, maybe and probably went to school in the same area! Haha
Of all the things you mentioned; to me - 林夕是詞聖,林掁強是詞神。當然,還有眾仙,敏聰,雪懷等等。想著他們,看著今天的黃偉文,真不知為甚麼對他有那種極討厭的感覺!sorry I m very subjective, I remain! |