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[普吉/喀比/合艾] [Phuket] PFTDT

發表於 2012-2-24 09:29:30 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Cannot sleep so I make a report of the Phuket trip I made last year.

3-4 months before i plan this Phuket trip, I got a chance to go to Shanghai, so I find a escort in Shanghai. She is cute and I enjoy so much the night with her. At this moment I already mark this girl as partner for the Phuket Fuck Till Dry Trip

In order to make this come true, I always keep my Skype on to text chat with her anytime. Need to keep the connection; otherwise, she will forget me. After spending so much time on this, she finally agree to join the trip (of course it is not FOC but please don't ask how much as it is long time ago) Then we will talk about the trip, talk about thailand, actually just BS a lot.

Few days before the trip, I need prepare the drinks. 2 bottles of red, 4 bottles of white, 3 bottles of champagne.

On the day before we left, we skype message again (I don't QQ) and suddenly she say "我現在好想跟你做愛" FUCK, I am working and I just want to remind her to be on time the next day and after reading this message, I cannot focus on work anymore and JJ stood up immediately. Illusion keep coming into my mind. She really knows how to play the tricks. At my age, I need to reserve and not to do anything stupid and waste. What a difficult battle with hell. One side, let's go for a shoot before Phuket. One side save it otherwise nothing to use during the trip as you already save it for a month. At the end, I kill the evil side and I keep my daily virginity for one more day.

[DAY 1]
Pick the girls up from the hotel and go direct to the airport. The night before my tiger suddenly say let her drive me to the airport. WTF, I need to pick up the girls in the morning. At this moment, my acting DNA start to work and
I said "OK, but I need to leave at 6am wor"
Tiger "Oh, that is early, you go by taxi then"
I said "Oh No, it is expensive to take taxi wor, please drive me to the airport, honey"
Tiger "..." she just ignore me. YEAH! I win the game.

When I arrive the hotel, girl B is still in bed, WTF. Get ready in 15min or go by yourself. 20 min later, we are in taxi and go to the airport.
arrive bangkok, change flight, arrive Phuket. My friend pick us up at the airport and back to the hotel (Yes, my friend arrive Phuket first to get everything ready)
Nice 2 room pool villa. Me and girl A look around the facility and back to the room.

What should we do in the room, it is too early for dinner. So there is only one thing we can do. SEX. bath together, wet BJ, all normal process. We DFK in the shower, DFK in the bathroom, DFK in the hallway, DFK in the room, DFK and fall down onto the bed, suddenly my friend and girl B jump out from the balcony and say surprise. Oh, this is so fun and really surprise me. Then I make sure every door is locked and continue...

Time pass and it is dinner time, I don't think you want to know the detail, so fast forward to bed time 9pm. We unload the luggage, bath, and fuck again. Sleep.

[DAY 2]
5 or 6am (Yes, old man woke up very early) JJ is standing up hard, so only one thing I should do. FUCK.
Breakfast time. Need to eat a lot of breakfast; otherwise, no energy to continue the battle with her.
Looking at the swimming pool and nobody inside, so let's just swim and drink. Nothing special happen. DFK, swim, drink. Back to the room, FUCK.
Lunch time.
Then we walk around the city and do some booking for the next day.
Back to the hotel, back to room, FUCK.

[DAY 3]
Creating Evidence. I leave the room early without the daily morning sex because I need to scuba diving and take some underwater photo as a proof for my tiger. So I am away from them for the whole day.
Evening I come back and extremely tired. We dinner, then back to the hotel. Two old man chat and drink while the girls watch TV and swim.
Then 4 of us end up playing 大話dice, few bottle of wine and champagne gone.
Back to room. Normal route, FUCK

[DAY 4]
Sun raise up as normal and we fuck as usual. What a wonderful morning Q.
We book a boat to the ocean. However, the boat is really a boat, we can only do fishing. No naked sunbath, no naked swim. What a pity.

After two days, the girls start to know each other (Yes, they don't know each other before this trip. We bring our own private one for this trip) and it is time for some games. Stripe Poker is so fun to play and I don't know why. Boys always lost. As both boys are naked, we carry our girls and jump into the pool. YEAH, we all get wet and we take off their cloths too even they win. Naked swim together. DFK underwater. I cannot wait and swim for any longer. I need to back to my room.

However, doing it inside the room is not special. So we do it in the balcony and she want purposely to lower her voice down and her reaction is totally different than in the room. Ho Ho Ho, so much fun. But also too much mosquito outdoor. We cannot last too long outside.

Back to the room. BTW, I didn't mention this girl is super wet in doggy style and after so many Q these days, I don't have anything left in my bank. I can only keep swinging my waste and bang her butt. After 10min of banging, there is a pond on the floor and my leg and feet is all wet. I need to finish my Q on the bed as the floor is too slippy.

[DAY 5]
Time pass and it is time to go home. Morning Q as usual. Then we pack and my friend come to check the packing status and he carelessly step on the pond.
He ask "Diu, how come so wet on the floor!"
I look at my girl for 3s
My girl look at me for 3s
My girl "errr..."
I laught and say "Oh, I drop the water bottle last night. He He He" I just cannot stop laughing.
My girl "Oh yes, water bottle. errr..."
Friend "What the hell? What so funny?"
Me "I fuck too hard last night"
Friend finally realize the truth of water and say "FUCK" then jump away and try to clean his feet.

Go airport, say good bye to Phuket and good bye to the girls.
Arrive home and let tiger see I am organizing my diving photos.

Do I have photos, no I don't. I don't want to leave a trace for my tiger. Everything is just in our mind.
How much did I spent. Around 50k in total. I think it worth as it bring me so much good memories.
In order to make this happen, daily preparation is necessary.
  First, you will travel with your friend to another place for fun from time to time.
  Second, save money.
  Third, find partner. Try to keep phone number and contact and keep every girls in touch. Note is EVERY GIRLS.

To tell the truth, I am not a experienced NC, 141 player but hosting your own private trip is totally different then just have 1Q in an hour then walk away. In the trip, you just do it anytime you want. As I am not a deep sleeper, I always wake up every 2 -3 hours, so my poor partner also wake up every 2 - 3 hours.

At the end, I strongly recommend to host one by yourself. It is just too much fun.
Do you give yourself excuse of tiger or $. Like fuckajap said he can't type chinese but he can create a chinese report. As long as you want to do it. You can do it. All you need is preparation.

I want to keep my privacy, so I will not release too much detail even you pm me. I type this report is because every time I hang out with my friend, we will talk about the funny part of this trip and this never ends. Private trip is just too much fun and I want to share this to everyone. Beside, I can't fell asleep tonight as I miss the last chance of Bar Rouge. Please do research by yourself. Walking to the death end is also a good experience.



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發表於 2012-2-24 13:27:29 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2012-2-24 13:35:51 | 顯示全部樓層
what a good memories...

its ok with 50K as long as you enjoy that
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發表於 2012-2-24 17:43:52 | 顯示全部樓層
the enjoyment and memories way outweigh the money spent!
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發表於 2012-2-24 23:22:18 | 顯示全部樓層
Thanks for your sharing

Nice trip
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發表於 2012-2-25 05:11:42 | 顯示全部樓層
This sounds even better than adult vacation packages like these:
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發表於 2012-2-27 01:32:34 | 顯示全部樓層
Thanks for sharing your wonderful experience! BTW, I don't really like Bar Rouge. Maybe I don't go there often enough....
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發表於 2012-2-28 13:33:44 | 顯示全部樓層
This is a great experience, well done and glad that you had a great trip, CHING!
Thank you for your report.
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