-exchange rate: SGD1=VND16400
-Hotel: A&EM 153, USD32
-Pub 51: good mamasan, barfine USD25, Lady short time USD60
-Pub 91: bad mamasan, but good lady with bikini, barfine USD25, Lady short time USD60
-Hotel, in district 5
-Blowjob shop: 84, Nguyen Thi Khan, vnd200-300.(not recommended, no girl friend feeling).
-Hotel: A&EM 153
-Massage and fuck job at Ba Vi street, Vnd 650k, not recommended, lady not very young
-Street pickup lady at Hai Ba Street, age 21, USD80 overnight,
-Hotel: A&EM 153
-Massage and hand job at Rona massage, Vnd 500k, not recommended, cannot select lady
-lady not very young
-Street pickup lady at Hai Ba Street, age 19, USD80 overnight,
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