本帖最後由 c0179614 於 2012-2-5 11:23 編輯
I find a good post of Ms. 鄧明儀.
It said life is a non-stop "NG".
I fully recognized this word, no matter, it is the work life, the school life.
We need to fight against the environment, not physically fight them, it is mentally fight against the colleague.
We need to maintain good relationship between them, it is difficult to achieve it.
it is not easy to maintain it, we may be 出賣 by them, scored by them.
They may want to upgraded their post, they may do something to hurt us.
We may be angry.
We still need to continue our life, our family.
It is a cycle of "Non-Stop NG".
Let us read this post carefully.
人生, 就是不停戰鬥, 不停NG
Hey, brothers and sisters, "Let's us have Good Luck".
We will achieve it finally.
Brothers and sisters. |