唔知我有無聽錯,囡囡自稱越南人。佢同我講只係識好少英文,問我識唔識泰文,佢都ON99既,睇黎係呢到做左無幾耐,先會問個咁低B既問題,我答佢,我只識SA WA D CUP 同十八十八(係阿MO教我既),佢就用佢個又怕醜又可愛既樣淫笑左幾下。我再問佢幾歲,囡囡報稱19歲。19歲個樣會咁幼?有無可能呀?!不過囡囡咁講我就唯有咁信咁,不過佢個樣又真係令我覺得好十五十六架……
I had a Bangkok 5 days trip in 2010. This was the best trip in my life ar. Ching, your trip was also a great one. Hope u will have another wonderful one later!
通常入去 go go bar 時,Waitress 會用電筒照照位,叫我坐下,然後問飲什麼。「入去打左個白鴿轉」你的意思是否即是在內走走不坐下,看不合眼緣就走的意思呢?沒問題嗎?約逗留多久就離去呢?
另外,你 ST 女女名什麼呢?最後你又有沒有碰會原先二樓的女女呢?問題稍多了點,不好意思。最後謝謝你的報告。
I remember Brother Barr has posted a Nana Plaza map before. (See link : http://141hongkong.com/forum/thread-669566-1-8.html)
But I cannot find the bar named "拉斯維加斯". May be the map is not updated. Beef3 Ching, can you tell us the location again? Thanks. No ladyboy inside. (I am afraid "her")