發表於 2012-1-17 13:49:16
thinning 發表於 2012-1-16 20:43 
以上條件包囡, 我相信囡囡唔會養狼狗, 只會諗點樣可以昆你娶佢
已婚老窮撚包囡 = 自尋短見
用例子答你 --> 有間公司又出糧(合約工)又有福利(有薪SL), 員工不珍惜(返工做自己嘢)...why?
包囡 = verbal agreement only
if the employer breaches any verbal promise, how & to where can the 囡囡 claim?
so when a man 包囡, a premium is normally paid for the "包囡contract"
the premium can be "ur appearance", "ur single marital status", "ur assets", "ur personality"...
good appearance & personality can make her feel good & comfortable
single marital status can provide her with a hope to get married to gain a 名份 ..one day...
assets can ensure the employer capable of paying "salary" for the 囡囡 on time each month