發表於 2012-1-6 12:38:45
煩惱 發表於 2012-1-6 12:02 
我就係 5 見先問 ....
真係冇講儲存量幾大,佢只係限每個 file 唔可以大過 5mb 
faq 搵到 :-
You may revoke this permission at any time by requesting your content to be removed. Such requests will be processed within a maximum period of 24 hours (but usually as short as one hour). You may request deletion and/or mark your content private through our sites' user interfaces, or by contacting ImageShack directly. After your request is processed, ImageShack will cease distribution of your content within a maximum period of 24 hours (but usually as short as one hour) and will absolve itself of any ownership of said content, implied or otherwise. |