發表於 2011-12-8 12:37:13
本帖最後由 griffon001 於 2011-12-8 12:43 編輯
hawk930 發表於 2011-12-8 11:02 
唔該師兄, 唔好意思. 或者我講得唔清楚. 以下更正及補充:
疣 = Warts, 口腔內有WARTS SORES 9成以上係男同性戀者. 女仔後內有WARTS, 一定痛到唔想吹. (超忍得另計), 口腔內有 Genital Warts 菌, 未發病又傳染到嘅機會幾乎係無.
疱疹 - 有分 HSV-1 (口腔) 同 HSV-2 (下陰). 8成亞洲成年時已經有 HSV-1. 即係引發唇瘡等 Cold Sores 嘅兇手. 口腔內係幾乎無機會有HSV-2 嘅. 即係口交感染下陰疱疹機會甚微. HSV-1 如果你本身已經有, 咁對方口內就算有HSV-1, 你都無事.
其餘好大機會染病嘅, 都係有葯醫會斷尾. (<--- SORRY, 應該咁講) 以上兩種, 我SHARE其中一篇兩種都有提到嘅POST, 可參考以下性病醫生嘅回答: http://www.medhelp.org/posts/STD ... al-Sex/show/1351227 (MEDHELP 係一個有性病醫生長註為人解答問題嘅收費網站, 絕對唔係口擘擘果種)
"1. As you have been told, to get HPV/warts is very rare following receipt of oral sex and even if you were to get them they are of no major consequence. There are also no approved tests for HPV for men. As you've been told, it is a waste of time to worry about this"
"2. I believe Grace has already answered this question. I note that you indicate that you already have HSV-1, therefore you are not at risk. As for HSV-2, that is very rarely transmitted through oral sex, you didn't have an outbreak and you have a negative test. Taken together , you do not need to worry about getting HSV from this exposure- you did not get it. "
都係果句. 乜都有可能發生. 我地唔知邊D人幾時會無意識地惹病俾人, 所以安全交易, 長玩長有, 先係自求多福嘅王道.
(P.S, 以上D數據響網上唔難搵, 但要小弟搵番就太花時間啦. 仲之小弟唔會老吹. 大家出得來玩, 我致在分享下環保吹嘅具體風險, 等CHING們可以具體衡量) |