發表於 2011-12-1 01:48:52
本帖最後由 diabloworld 於 2011-12-1 01:54 編輯
遠野ゆき美 發表於 2011-12-1 01:44 
First, not all girls have China middleman, second, the problem really started with the very very b ...
that girl is the best girl for that agent during that period.. HK agent take half already..however, the middleman take $50-100 / $400.. agent want the girl return for more comission.. but the middleman may want to grab extra right away....that's the motivation
5000/400 is only 1 day profit for the HK agent;however, 5000/100 = 5 days profit or 5000/50 = 10days profit for the middleman..
HK agent has many girls everyweek VS middleman may only got few girls on hand in a month.. 所以動機誘因好明顯