本帖最後由 BECKHAM2 於 2011-10-31 18:23 編輯
看見人家藍天白雲的德國游照, 頓時鈎起了大自然美好晴空的回憶.
急忙從檔案中找回3年前到澳洲的旅游照片, 挑出了在Byron Bay那天的照片, 回味之餘在此分享.

Byron Bay是澳洲大陸最東端, 一個人口只有9千的小城鎮, 離Gold Coast不遠. 寧靜, 安逸, 氣候溫和, 空氣清新, 世外桃源般. 她的美曾經鈎起我移民的念頭!
Cape Byron is Australia's most easterly point, 153° 39´ east, located on the north coast of New South Wales . With its numerous beaches, unspoilt hinterland, and relaxed lifestyle, Byron Bay is a popular tourist destination.
With average summer temperatures of 21C - 28C, and average winter temperatures of 15C - 21C, both locals and visitors are able to enjoy plenty of outdoor activities including the many festivals throughout the year.
Byron Shire has a population of close to 30,000, while the town of Byron Bay has a population of about 9,000.
日出! 拍攝過程不太難, 把酒店的露台門打開一線, 把鏡頭伸出門外, 按快門, done.

在沙灘看到一隊沙灘騎車者, 以為是年輕小伙子, 近看原來是60-70歲的老人家.... 這就是退休生活啊!

旁邊雖然有屋, 那麼大的沙灘沒看到幾個人.

是工作天啊, 他們倆真有閒情, 帶狗散步!

下午轉至 Cape Byron Headland Reserve, 聲稱是 "one of the most beautiful places in the world"

據說這裡可看到鯨魚及海豚. 但我看不到大魚, 只看到2個釣魚小子.

有近百年歷史的 Cape Byron Lighthouse


日落了. 落在地平線的日落真漂亮.

你想退休到 Byron Bay, 天天都看着這美景嗎?