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My KL day two and day three

發表於 2011-10-30 14:34:31 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Finally back home, and adjust the time zone difference and dealing with all the stuff that I need to do and finally have some time to collect my thoughts and write the next report.

So, Day 2 of my KL trip:
Finished work around 6, freaking tired as the whole day was such a drag, but its okay, I have decided to visit the famous "Thai club".  

I have to share a bit of furstration here. I tried to get a few taxi to take me to the Thai club,  I know its not that far ( about 10 mins ride), and they all say no.....!!! WTF  this is the first time in my life where all the places I travel that lots of taxi drivers says no to me for a ride.....so I guess most of the taxi dirvers are just driving around? and not taking customers? I can't figure this out.....  and when they do drive me sometimes (1 out of 5 or so, they don't use meters......and charge me whatever they feel like?......

So, with my determination, and trying to explore new places and new expereiences, I walked...yes....walked....from my hotel to Thai club....  and got lost....lol   it was about 8 ish, asked a few security guards outside of the banks, restaurants..ect..after two hours of walking...(if I know how to get there...it should take me no more then 35 mins walk...but heck...they all seems to have a very interesting sense of directions...so I was sent circling the entire district area...lol...thank God...it was early into the night and lots people around...)
So I finally arrive the Thai club....around 9:30 or so...and walked right in...(well, there was a guy in front of the club keep on asking me to go upstairs to their spa....nah.....)

Holy,........my first thought was....I don't think I have seen that many girls in my life....all sitting there and all turned their head and looking at me as I walk in......(so appearently saturday night around 9 ish...is not very busy...not many chings there yet....lol).....
I was feeling a bit out of the place, and a bit nervous.....suddently got all the attention of the ladies..(must be more then 200 of them.....)  ...........must calm down.....must calm down....slowly walked over to the bar...and got a drink.........find a relatively quiet corner.....(right under the huge speaker...........lol)   and see what happenes..

Soon......a lady walked over.....Vienamnese.....can't speak English, nor Chinese.....and literearly "stick" her hand behind my sweaty pants to the "crack".....(I walked about 2 hrs..and KL is still very humid and hot during the night...so it is very sweaty...and her hand was cold.....lol)...I jumped...and almost spilled my drink..........I tell my self...that was different...and maybe a great start of my evening.....

And, that was where my luck stoped.....appearently the ladies have a working system there...if a lady is with you, that means others normally won't come and say hi...and if you don't like the lady ....and asked her to leave,....and give her tips......and she still won't go.......I guess I am stuck with her.....ahhhh...so furstrating....especially I saw so many girls I like and they all quickly go their own ways and trying to find other chings....

So I used my famouse trick.....from the old book of 36 tricks.....washroom escape.....and after I went back and changed locations....a few times...that same girl....still spotted me..(I am not sure how....its getting busy by the moment..and well I probably stick out like a sore thumb.....)  Anyhow....this time her girlfriend came over with her...finally someone speaks English and chinese...and she end up staying with me...however, she took off so many times throughout the night to help her sister (the original girl that stick her hand into my back lol)  out because shes new....so I got pissed off and keep on seeing all the hotter girls walking around looking for customers..........and somehow..again..they all know..I am "occupied..."...and wouldn't come over.....finally I had it enough, and this girl know I won't take her back to the hotel...so after asking me for 50 bucks....she took off....  

And this is 1 am already....so I must say, over all the place is nice..and I just didn't start off well, and keep on not getting lucky .....lol   not taking anything off the place, I still think Thai club is a good place to check out the girls.....but most of them are all Vietnamnese, not much other selections.
With that in mind.....I was ticked off...and took a taxk back to my hotel...and was thinking going back to the Elephent spa....atleast I had a good luck last time.....but as I was talking with the taxi driver...(this time they agreed to take me back to hotel....for 35 Ringgit....expensive..but I didn't want to walk.... and I drank alot over the 3 hours).  He mentioned Genesis Spa....the place was on my list for tomorrow...I guess it won't hurt to try tonight to see if I got a bitter luck.....
Damm...I should of know....if the taxi driver brings you to the place...you PAY MORE!!!  so the price was 350.....a whole 90 more expensive then if I go there myself....(how do I know?  cause I went there the next day again lol)   
The girls name is .....sorry ...I forgot...but I know shes from "lake south" part of China, and the service of the spa include shower, shower masage (like the soapland massage from Japan...but using soap..not the sticky lube)....BJ and Full course.

She is about 5f 6inch...   Large C.   very firm, pink .. and good reaction and very talktive.
The service was good, but feel hurried a bit for the soap bed massage, however, her natural BJ was amazing...I guess every girl has their own strength....I think her BJ skill is close to a 9...in my book....especially she can look at you and turn the head...while bj.....that requires talent...lol   Thank God I had a few drink.....otherwise I might get blown out before the main course.......
One little negative point here is that she dose not like peole to like her tits....as she said she didn't like it...and she dose not allow extensive viewing of the pussy.  oh well.

the main course was great...tried three positions...and very tight...and responsive...overall its a good experience...
when its all done.......2 :30...I just went home as the next day more work to be done...

Day 3,
I only have a short time before my flight and got off meeting with my boss.....and because I had a good experience the night before....I went back to Genesis....again...and this is how I found that I only have to pay 265............shit balls......shit balls...
This time I had Amanda...a girl from Canton West , China
a smaller build then the previous, small B cup, not as firm and overall figure not as smooth.
However, where she lack of natural talent, she more then make up with teachable talant.  Her massage skill was great, bj was awsome, and main meal was an exceptional experience....super tight......she made me think of my first girlfriend...back in high school.....
skinny....petite, and super tight.....
so naturally a totally good time was had by me....

Sorry I have no idea how to post pictures...and I didn't take any pictures..as people "at home" check my phone sporatically........

hope you all like it....sorry about the grammer and vocabulary and spelling....as this was done 2:34 in the morning.....



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 樓主| 發表於 2011-10-30 14:36:56 | 顯示全部樓層
up up up up up.......I am considering going to KL again end of Nov.....I do have this oppertunity ...but not sure I should .......unless there are better ones.....out there....
someone told me of KTV's....but I heard they are expensive.........and not much fun....and sometimes no real actions...and subjectible to Police check ups....is that true chings?
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發表於 2011-10-30 15:50:55 | 顯示全部樓層
Thanks for sharing the details !
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發表於 2011-10-30 16:27:02 | 顯示全部樓層
will go to visit KL sometime in future
thanks for info
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發表於 2011-10-31 00:10:19 | 顯示全部樓層
Thanks for bro's posting. I believe it will help a lot when i visit KL soon!!!
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發表於 2011-10-31 02:00:11 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2011-10-31 02:16:36 | 顯示全部樓層
回覆 patcat1112 的帖子

Hi Patcat1112 ching

i have a chance to visit KL next week. Would you mind PM me the Thai Club address or phone number.Also how much they charge?
This my first time to KL. Really need ur information.

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發表於 2011-10-31 02:45:31 | 顯示全部樓層
Thanks for sharing the details
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發表於 2011-10-31 06:31:10 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 vivigirl 於 2011-10-31 06:33 編輯

ching you should check my previous report to figure out the excatly location,
i do believe 141 got alot of material and resources to satisfy your need.

there are some spa you may try (i do not suggest other far place for you, coz you'll hard to get it)
1. Federal Hotel - Deluxe health spa (got local girl)
2. Wisma Genesis (HSBC building) - Genesis Health Spa
3. Sungai Wang Plaza - Green Elephant Spa (got local girl)
4. Champion Spa - envionment more good, and this place is 30steps close to 十全 foodcourt
5. Thai club - foreigner favorite place
6. Jalan Changkat Bukit Bintang - (alot pub&restoran there) U can find the KFC infront of Metrojaya, and then straight away to go down there, KFC midnight also got alot pretty as i mentioned in Ching (first day KL report), but this depend your luck.
7. etc - BJ place , red rope (红绳)place,HJ place,(but most of these place are very strange and far to ching, i do not suggest to go unless you've a tourguide to lead you)

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 樓主| 發表於 2011-10-31 09:52:21 | 顯示全部樓層
回覆 vivigirl 的帖子

Hi Vivigirl,

Thanks for the tips...I did checked out the KFC at night time on day two when I walk from my hotel (Royal Bintang) to the Thai club....not much luck there....
the Genesis spa is good...for me..simple and relaxational..
so is the green elephant....
if I go end of Nov..(not sure...depends on money, boss, and the lady at home...)  I would definintly try the Champion club and delux  and I think I will go back to Thai club again..to try my luck..because I did see a very nice lady there...darn I still thinking about her last night...lol too bad shes not availiable..and I wasn't availiable....I think I am a bit too shy lol the first time....lol
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 樓主| 發表於 2011-10-31 09:55:26 | 顯示全部樓層
回覆 tohavea 的帖子

Hi tohavea,

There are a few postings on the thai club....
I also googled it...they actually have a facebook page for it...
so its easy find....its actually on Bukit Ishmel two sets of lights pass HSBC building towards city centre....and make a right turn.....
its on your right hand side...
hope that helps.....as I get lost too..its actually hard to find the location during the night time. so I suggest do get a GPS with you if you decide to walk...lol
ofcourse...get a taxi would be the best.....thats if they want to take you there .......lol
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發表於 2011-11-1 01:01:29 | 顯示全部樓層
good report and good places to try in my next trip to KL
thanks ching!
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發表於 2011-11-1 03:25:44 | 顯示全部樓層
回覆 patcat1112 的帖子

hi patcat ching

thanks for ur information

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發表於 2011-11-1 03:29:46 | 顯示全部樓層
回覆 vivigirl 的帖子

Hi Vivigirl ching

Thanks for ur information. Besides any idea of how much the service charge?

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發表於 2011-11-1 07:40:29 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 vivigirl 於 2011-11-1 07:41 編輯

usually the price is betwen 230-280 in spa (local chinese is much more expensive)
Thai club i not familiar, some of ching told me is around 300, but you have to pick up to your hotel.
but i know some delivery is only rm350 (6 hour 2 shot if no mistake), u have to bear the delievery cost RM30-50 if you don't like the girl.

If delilvery is too risky for you, you better try the thai club and ask them directly how much per shot/over night (how many hour?how many shot?etc) secure your wallet.

i meet a girl during last month at jalan changkat, she is thai, offer rm300 pershot 1 hour for me, but i not try at the moment coz too late 3.30am...she still got 4-5 friend come with her, but some is lady boy but very pretty....i dare not try...
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發表於 2011-11-1 07:43:04 | 顯示全部樓層
回覆 vivigirl 的帖子

thank you very much ching. Hope have luck to try and report afterwards.
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發表於 2011-11-1 12:30:21 | 顯示全部樓層
good report and very detail. at that moment, thailand is flood and maybe KL is the substition. my question is there safe for enjoy?
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 樓主| 發表於 2011-11-2 02:56:39 | 顯示全部樓層
回覆 黃種人 的帖子

Hi Mr Oriental.
hm...I think its relativly safe in Kl....as with Police...I think.
I did ask a few friends they told me its safe......even if you get into problem...sometimes you can "talk" ur ways out of it.....   
just becareful where you go at night time...some back ally are very dark....
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發表於 2011-11-2 15:31:33 | 顯示全部樓層
better luck next time at the thaiclub, thanks for sharing anyway
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發表於 2011-11-7 20:53:57 | 顯示全部樓層
I was in the Thai Club about a month ago for the first time and had strange experience, probably as I was not familar with the rule there. I went in, as many ching said, there are rows of girls sitting on the right. I bought a drink and was standing by the bar watching the girls. They looked at me, some smile...etc but none of them actual come to approach me, nor anyone else standing there like me. Then I saw a men (works there) came along and took a few girls and went inside the show area. He kept doing it, a few girls at a time. I went into the show area and all the girls inside already had customers with them. It looks like KTV style where the girls cannot approach the customers directly. However the THai club should not be like that. I was totally confused and therefore left for the Beach Club which I went many times and I had 3 girls all over me before I reach the bar. Appreciate some Ching can tell me what is the play rule at Thai Club. The girls at Thai Club appears to be younger compared with the Beach Club, so wants to go back.
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