本帖最後由 angelclaire 於 2011-9-30 01:05 編輯
went hiking again, and noticed the gradual change in color of the trees, as fall is coming fast!
the first photo is taken from a park, and the rest of the photos, all taken from a hiking trail!
last year this time, there were lots of salmon already, but none so far this year!
there were lots of apple trees, and some pear trees along the trail, some are sour tasting on the first bite, but after chewing, there is a taste of sweetness coming!
usually bring a bottle of water along, but sometimes, just pick the apples from the trees, but bigger apples are too high on top of the trees, cannot reach them at all! |
this is taken from a park, will take photos again when leaves change color to red/orange/yellow
the path near the parking lot of the trail
there will be lots of salmon spawning very soon on this part of the river
sweet apple
apple tree
found lots of salmon eggs last year
on the top of the hill, along the hiking trail