坐左一陣,有個C9著住妮屎內衣行過來同我傾計,阿bartender都話記得我幾個月前來過,問我一個東方人黎德國做mud?我當時因為文族主意關系,我就講我黎德國系幫間中國公司搞收購的,他們又問我收購mud野,甘我吹水就話黎買保時捷,系間公司而唔系架車!他們立即露出尊敬眼神,阿bartender重響鐘要buy me a round,真尷尬!C9跟住問我叫mud名,我就話我叫Harry,因為當時興Harry Potter,好彩她無問我姓mud,唔系一個中國人叫Potter都幾搞野!然後阿C9問我有無性趣,我見她都可食用,所以就跟她到房間搞,到搞完,見到一對年輕情侶都系房度搞緊,條女真系好正,好似Naterlie Portman,張開緊雙大腿坐系條仔上面,可惜當有人行近他們時,條仔叫人行開,好明顯他們系齋表演。當晚再搞多一個較年輕的人妻就告別了!
Ching, most German can speak simple English (unlike Italian...) and more important is your body language! Show the girls your hard little brother and for sure they know what to do next! Enjoy!
what more do you want to know? anyway, I forgot to mention so many people were having fun around the house...some were watching, some were wanking and some were performing for other people to watch and wank!
My wife work in swinger party called partyreff 5 years ago. Unlike FKK, it offer gangbangs and orgys but no private sex. My wife was the only Chinese in the house. Many white man and arabs like her because she is different. http://141hongkong.com/forum/thread-799168-1-1.html
My wife enjoy getting gangbang and we like do orgy also. We also perform sex show in a club in Amsterdam cross the street from the famous Casa Rosso 2 years ago. Some chinese tourists do not like to see chinese woman suck and fuck Indian or Africa man on stage.
Many Chinese man think she is too fat. Indian and black man like woman with meat specially big tits and ass. I am part Indian and my wife work for India man pimp in Singapore before.
btw: during all 3 months my wife work in partytreff, we have not meet one chinese man or woman. but a few chinese man use her in one of many brothels in the RLD near the train station in Frankfurt. also in RLD, a few Thais but she is only chinese.