發表於 2011-8-11 23:17:42
本帖最後由 tomchan.us 於 2011-8-11 23:19 編輯
prokillerz007 發表於 2011-8-11 23:09
not physical , im really happy with her now its just that everyday i get really worried and i'm afr ...
There are a number of ways to look at this....
You could live from moment to moment, i.e. just go along with how you both FEEL and forget about the future, and future will take care of itself.
Or you want to be logical and accept that this is going nowhere and try to distance yourself from her.
There really is no right or wrong answer, if she is truly dedicated to you regardless of her current profession and predicament, and if you don't really care what she did in the past and can accept what she does now then, it's nobody's business to tell you what to do or what not to do.
People get hurt emotionally in any breakup regardless.
I don't know how old you are but most people will go through this kind of pain sometime in their lives. |